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The Empress as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Empress is the Major Arcana numbered three, which often symbolizes a mother figure in tarot. This card is sometimes named The Mother of the Deck as it signifies understanding, compassion, nurturing, fertility, motherhood, and wisdom. The card is associated with the planet Venus which is an embodiment of passion, love, femininity, and heart feelings.

By looking at what’s depicted on this card, we can say that many symbols reflect the card’s interpretation of positive energy, prosperity, creativity, abundance, and artistic expression. We see a beautiful woman whose face expresses happiness and calmness as she sits on a big throne. Her pomegranate-colored robe indicates passion and fertility. The Empress as feelings embodies true desire that combines physical and emotional connection. It often points to happy couples, marriage, and pregnancy.

The Empress card as feelings in reverse may embody mixed signals you get from another person that makes you experience chaotic emotions. It signifies a lack of love, acceptance, and understanding. It may also mean mother issues in childhood become obstacles to building a healthy union with a mature person.

The Empress Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

Since the Empress is an embodiment of the understanding and unconditional love of a mother, in an upright position it indicates mutual meanings adding to them prosperity, growth, and abundance.

The Empress as feelings for another person about you, be sure that they truly love you and care about you. It’s a sign of a desire to help you grow, nurturing you with attention and all possible kinds of support in your life. This type of love if you love them back is the one that can last a lifetime. The card can symbolize a happy married couple and a long-awaited or planned pregnancy.

For those, who are just about to start a new relationship, the card indicates strong and true feelings. It’s about true belonging to your significant other. The card in an upright position indicates that union with you is seen by another person as destiny and a blessing. They see a grandiose future with you and are sure that this union will bring happiness and abundance. If you feel the same, the Empress is a very positive sign.

If you do an after break up, reading about someone’s desire to reconcile with an ex-partner, the Empress in an upright position indicates that you should give your relationship another chance. If you’re wondering about their feelings for you, there is a possibility that they’re thinking about you and considering contacting you. So if you feel the same, initiating an honest and deep conversation is a good option to start over again.

The Empress Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

In reverse the card may indicate challenges in relationships because of complicated and mixed emotions. It seems that all positive emotions brought by the Empress upright are blocked.

The Empress as feelings upside down can indicate issues that are rooted in your childhood. Perhaps, you still haven’t fully separated from your mother and seek a certain level of acceptance and attachment in your relationship. You need to realize that your partner can’t take the place of your parents. You had better work on these attachment issues with a therapist and release your emotional needs to be able to give your partner mutual support and understanding.

If you’re single, the Empress reversed as feelings in reverse is a sign of strong attraction on a physical level that doesn’t involve intellect and emotions. If you just met someone and feel chemistry, it may be only a sign of a sexual interest and short-term attraction. To clarify the feelings, you should communicate and get to know each other better. As the signals and emotions are mixed and chaotic, don’t get too close until you are sure that this is the right person.

In a tarot reading about love and romantic feelings related to the thoughts of ex partner, the card shows uncertainty and chaos. Perhaps, you still attract them sexually, but memories about the previous concerns between you don’t allow them to dive into these waters again. If you were the one who broke up the relationship, it seems that they’re still hurting and don’t want to feel pain again. However, the chemistry between the two of you is still strong, and probably if you work on the past issues, you can get another chance.

Final Words on the Empress as Feelings

When it comes to the Empress as feelings for someone it is interpreted as unconditional love, understanding, fertility, and motherhood. It symbolizes prosperity, abundance, sexuality, connection on all levels, nurturing, and wisdom.

In an upright position, the card is a symbol of pregnancy and happy marriage. It indicates that you have found a person who meets all your values and embodies your dreams. You see you two in a long-term serious relationship, family, and long-lasting evolving together. If you’re single the card indicates that you are about to start relationships with a person who sees you as their significant other.

In reverse the Empress represents mixed emotions and chaotic feelings. It’s hard to understand what type of attraction is there – only on a physical level, or a deeper emotional connection is involved.

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