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The Emperor as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The fourth trump of the tarot Major Arcana is the Emperor. This is one of the cards with high energy that has many positive interpretations. The Emperor as feelings indicate care, support, empowerment, trust, and fearlessness. It is a figure of a father in the best form of manifestation of paternity. It embodies stability, structure, and control. It’s an effective ruler who knows the best way to solve any problem.

The card depicts a man with a long beard. He’s sitting on a large throne observing the wide lands in front of him that he probably owns and controls. We can say this man is confident, self-determined, and focused. The scepter in his hand symbolizes his power and forceful energy. This is an experienced and wise individual who has answers to any questions.

It’s crucial to mention that despite his high level of organization and determination, the main driver for the Emperor is his love for his people and desire to provide, protect, and support them. He rarely shows his true feelings, but under his calm and severe appearance, we can find vulnerable heart and emotions.

The Emperor Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

If you get the Emperor upright as feelings, it indicates that everything is under control and going well. Being the indicator of stability, power, and focus, this card influences each sphere with this forceful energy. It’s about a comfortable and calm feeling of being protected.

The Emperor as feelings for someone in an upright position is a sign of a desire to protect and support your significant other. In a reading about how someone sees you, the cards point to the feeling of security you provide to others. You are a figure that is an embodiment of confidence, paternity, wisdom, experience, and valuable opinion. Your ability to solve problems and navigate through life’s storms makes you a person who is admired and respected.

If you are wondering about someone’s feelings for you, it signifies their true desire to care about you. This is the feeling that comes right from their heart, these intentions are pure. It embodies that this person will do anything to ensure you’re safe and comfortable.

If you’re asking the cards about love and a romantic relationship, the card in an upright position is an indicator of success. It indicates that both partners feel comfortable and safe in their relationship. Probably, this union is a result of hard work and a search for compromises but at the moment, there is enough care and support to say that it’s a happy couple.

The Emperor Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

Despite its overall positive and powerful vibe, the Emperor reversed as feelings upside down may be a sign of jealousy and hyper-control. In this case, the paternity represented by this Major Arcana becomes hypertrophy and leads to issues. It is an illustration of a classical figure of a hyper-controlling father who can’t let his children grow and get their own experience making their own mistakes.

The Emperor as feelings for a woman in reverse may signify a desire for control and a bit of impulsiveness. In some cases, the card embodies tyranny and abusive behavior from the side of a partner. It may also mean that you cannot understand your significant other because you have communication issues. Feelings such relationships are far from true love, as there are too many controls and a lack of commitment.

If you are starting a new relationship, the card in this position indicates that you are more of a trophy for your partner than an equal individual. They don’t take you seriously because you may be younger or have less experience, or they can have a skeptical attitude towards you for no reason.

The Emperor as feelings for ex upside down means that you are considering getting back together with them, but not sure whether it’s a good idea. You’re impulsive and chaotic. Such feelings may force you to act before thinking. For example, calling or texting your ex at night.

Final Words on the Emperor as Feelings

The Emperor is the Major Arcana who has a number four in a tarot deck. The card is an embodiment of control, structure, focus, determination, confidence, power, and wisdom.

The Emperor tarot as feelings in an upright position is a positive symbol. Its forceful and powerful vibrations indicate an abundance of comfort and provision in someone’s life. The card shows that you appear for someone as a respected and authoritative figure who can solve any problem and answer any question.

The Emperor upside down isn’t that positive and caring compared to its upright version. In reverse the card embodies domination, tyranny, jealousy, and abusive behaviour. It may be from the side of a partner in a relationship or from a despotic boss at work. Often the card embodies a hyper-controlling father. In a reading about a romantic relationship, the card in reverse indicates a lack of commitment from the side of a partner. Perhaps, this union is more like a win for them rather than a meaningful relationship.

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