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Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


obligations, burden, obstacles, difficulties, tasks, finish line, rules, overwhelm, exhaustion, legalities, burnout, delegating, test of courage, responsibilities, hardships, probation, stress, duty, lost focus, resistance, lack of fun, dumping, collapse

What Does the Ten of Wands Mean in Readings?

Ten of Wands is the Minor Arcana that symbolizes exhaustion and burnout. The card indicates the desire to win, to finish something, to cope. One will need courage to handle the outcome of what they started and overcome new challenges. The card may appear to indicate responsibilities and duties in someone’s life after accomplishing and attaining a new role. It may mean a loss of focus on what is important in your life, probably you’ve lost the direction that leads to your true goals.

The illustration on this card says a lot about the Ten of Wands tarot meaning. We see a man with the wands in his hands. We can say these wands are heavy and the man is struggling to carry them. Probably he considers that this is only his burden or cannot see anyone around to help him. This is like he’s in a leading role and doesn’t delegate the tasks. Hence, the man keeps carrying ten heavy wands and loses strength.

The Ten of Wands is present in readings to remind you how crucial it is to take care of yourself. Prioritize your well-being and reconsider your responsibilities at work, in a family, in business, and elsewhere. Delegating is a key to growth and success. It’s impossible to do it all alone, as you’re getting closer and closer to burnout and mental breakdown. Having fun is also an essential part of life, and neglecting it can lead to problems.

Ten of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

It seems like your win was bittersweet! Ten of Wands upright embodies the condition when after attaining a new role one is feeling overloaded with duties and responsibilities. The period of hardships, when you were working towards your big goal, has changed to a period of responsibilities. Now you’re suffering not from the draining fight for your place under the sun but from the need to maintain your success. Solving problems, being responsible for other people, and other essential tasks make you lose control and focus. Regain your power and concentration by delegating and sharing duties with others.

Ten of Wands tarot meaning for career indicates a person who is overloaded with too many job responsibilities. Probably you underestimated the level of tasks you took or cannot handle your new role in a company. Delegating will help you to avoid burnout and prevent chaos.

Ten of Wands in an upright position for love is a sign of some issues in a relationship. Perhaps, you’re expecting support from your partner, but instead of asking them for help, you are silently waiting. Be open and talk about your hardships. Maybe you feel overloaded at work and need your partner to help you with duties at home. Being a couple means going through challenges together and sharing struggles. For single people, the card upright shows the need to focus on their true desires and spend some time alone.

Ten of Wands meaning for health in this position is a sign of how badly tension and overload influence your physical condition. Take care of yourself and find time to rest and recharge your energy if you don’t want your illness to progress.

Ten of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

Stop flogging a dead horse! It seems that you can’t carry your load anymore as stress and duties are extremely heavy for you. While you keep pushing yourself, there is no understanding of the actual direction. You’re too exhausted to stay focused. The Ten of Wands reversed shows the lack of stamina and inability to overcome obstacles. Maybe it’s time to let go or maybe it’s time to say no to some of your duties.

Another meaning of this card in reverse is having unnecessary duties that drain you out. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit you and doesn’t make your life better. People don’t need a lot to feel happy. Concentrating on your closest circle and well-being can be a solution.

Ten of Wands meaning in reverse for career signifies someone who managed to minimize the pressure of workload. Probably, you find trusted colleagues to delegate some of your responsibilities at the workplace. For business owners, the card in this position means that they found employees or subcontractors who can help run their business. Another meaning of this card for a career is overestimating your possibilities and experience. Admit that taking a big ambitious project alone turned out to be too much for you and look for solutions.

Ten of Wands upside down for love indicates a lack of spontaneity in your relationships. It seems that you have too many duties and forget to have fun. For example, if you’re young parents, you might feel exhausted and stressed because of new roles and responsibilities. Try to find some helpers to spend time with your partner when there are just two of you.

Final Words on the Ten of Wands Tarot Meaning

Now after reading our comprehensive Ten of Wands tarot guide you know that this card means burnout, exhaustion, probations, difficulties, and hardships. Ten of Wands often shows that someone has lost their focus and life direction. Often the card signifies the overload after a big accomplishment.

In an upright position, the card embodies an overload of duties and responsibilities. Probably, you were fighting for your new position in the past, and after achieving your goal you’re overwhelmed with new tasks. By delegating some tasks to employees or colleagues you will regain confidence and balance.

In reverse, the card shows that you’re flogging a dead horse. Sometimes you need to let go and walk away. If the situation doesn’t change despite your titanic struggles, focus on other things that bring you energy and happiness. If you’re in a relationship, overload with duties is making romance fade away from your union. Consider getting help with your responsibilities to spend quality time with your partner.

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