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Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


disconnection, alignment, harmony, misalignment, connection, contentment, completion, security, homecomings, separation, isolation, having it all, comfort, tranquility, toxic family, prosperity, good luck, infertility, separation, imagination, serenity, affection

What Does the Ten of Cups Mean in Readings?

10 of Cups is a Minor Arcana that is part of the suit of Cups associated with creativity and the emotional sphere. The card embodies harmony and alignment. It often indicates a happy family, joy, and emotional contentment. The card’s meaning can be described in a few words like ‘having it all’.

To understand the 10 of Cups tarot meaning clearer we take a closer look at the illustration on the card. We see two figures of people standing close to each other. It seems they are a couple who feel connected and fulfilled in love. The arms of both are outstretched. We can say that they are a happy family as we see smaller figures that are supposed to be their children. There is also a nice house in the picture that seems to be a place where a loving family lives. The illustration symbolizes a strong union full of true love that spreads beyond the couple as they gladly share their happiness with the world. We also see ten golden cups above the figures in the sky. The cups represent accomplishment and alignment. We also see a rainbow behind the couple. The rainbow embodies the ending of the period of sorrows and the starting of the ‘they lived happily ever after’ part as in a fairytale.

Ten of Cups meaning is about love and space of safety and acceptance. Once you have managed to create a happy life for yourself, you start spreading joy and positive energy. The card embodies the need to make others happy. 10 of Cups meaning indicates a strong connection that binds people together for a lifetime.

Ten of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

Ten of Cups upright is a symbol of a fruitful and comforting union. The card is an embodiment of true harmony that lasts. It’s that type of connection, which includes acceptance and deep bonding. The card is a symbol of a dream union, where compatibility is at the highest level.

Ten of Cups meaning for love and relationship embodies a comfortable and sweet union. It seems that your couple enters a phase when you’re becoming close as a real family. For example, you might be about to meet the parents of your significant other.

In the context of your career, the card indicates that you feel stable in your current working position. There’s no need to rush and set ambitious goals as you are happy with how it goes. It’s not about mundane or boredom but about comfort and the feeling of belonging.

Ten of Cups tarot card meaning in an upright position for finances is a symbol of stability you were longing to achieve. You and your family are finally financially secure and have everything you need to feel happy. Everyone defines wealth differently, and for you, it seems to be more as comfort and safety than luxury and poshness. It’s ok to be yourself even when it comes to money. At this time, having a stable income and zero loans is a great achievement that fulfills you.

Ten of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Embrace your true values! Ten of Cups reversed means that you’re neglecting your personal desires and not being true to yourself. Often we allow other people to tell us what to do as we believe they want the best for us. Even if your parents or partner believes that something is good for you, it only will bring you fulfillment if it is aligned with your true values.

Despite the potential disappointment of others, you must focus on your inner desires and work towards your dreams. No one will live your life instead of you and can’t fully understand you until they walk in your shoes.

10 of Cups meaning in reverse for love outcome indicates reflection and introspection. Probably, you realize that before entering a union with another person, you need to define your values and principles first. We all want to love and get love in return, but people have different love languages. What is yours? Perhaps, you are in a relationship, but can’t feel connection and alignment in a present union. Only by acting according to your true desires and values can you reach happiness and fulfillment.

In the context of a career, the card upside down means that you’ve lost the feeling of balance and probably the sense of what you are doing. By pursuing career goals and striving to make more money, you forget about your values such as love and family. Quality time spent with your loved ones is essential. Try to rethink your schedule and plan more activities with people you love to bring back the feeling of deep happiness and fulfillment.

Final Words on the 10 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Ten of Cups tarot meaning is about a true and happy family everyone is dreaming of as it is essential for a complete life. Having people who truly love and cherish you is a real blessing. The card can be described in a few words like ‘having it all’. In an upright position, the card embodies the fulfillment of truly warm and happy family relationships, a fruitful union that inspires others. It’s something everyone dreams about.

In reverse, the card indicates the need to embrace your true desires and values. Probably, you are paying too much attention to the ideas of others about your life. However, no one walks in your shoes and can’t decide what you should do with your life. For love, the card in reverse means introspection. Maybe you and your partner’s love languages don’t match, and you feel that something is missing in your love life. Open talk to your significant other might help.

We hope our Ten of Cups tarot guide was helpful and interesting to read. Good luck!

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