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Six of Swords Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


transition, healing, progress, moving on, support, change, guidance, traveling, overwhelmed, causing trouble, slow healing, trapped, eloping, delay, instability, escaping, running away, stability, floods, abandoned plans, calm waters, distance

What Does the Six of Swords Mean in Readings?

The Six of Swords indicates accepting lessons, moving on, progressing, and healing. The Six of Swords tarot meaning is personal transition, change, traveling, and distancing. The card often indicates that one still has a heavy emotional and mental baggage with them so it’s hard to move on to a better future.

To understand more about the Six of Swords meaning we analyze what’s depicted on the card. We see a boat that is going to start sailing to reach the land we see in the background. There is a woman and a child in the boat. The figures are turned back to viewers, so we can’t see their facial expressions. However, the covered heads of a woman and a child who try to stay close to her indicate they are experiencing loss and sadness about leaving something behind. The waters are calm and the horizon is bright, so we see that the future holds something better for them. The card indicates that moving toward the unknown will be better than staying in current conditions. We see six swords in the picture that symbolize emotional wounds and baggage one must sort out and leave behind. They are symbols of rational decisions when one intentionally chooses what’s best for them despite experiencing loss and sadness.

In a yes or no the card is signifying yes. The outcome of a situation will be positive thanks to the rational choice to move on and leave the situation behind.

Six of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Decide what memories to leave behind! It’s hard to move on if you are still holding on to the past. The Six of Swords upright indicates that you’re going through a big transition in life. It can embody job change, end of relationships, moving to another place, and so on. It takes courage and time to accept the changes and inevitable losses, but you’re capable of doing it. If you still hesitate to change something, the time has come. The cards say that in the future you will experience more joy and success. These changes will bring you happiness.

For love, the card indicates the transition from one period to another. It may mean different situations. For example, it may indicate the breakup and moving on. If you’re staying in a relationship, the card shows that you and your partners underwent personal changes and started over again after the reconciliation of your union. If you’re single, the card means that you have left behind your previous mindset and are ready for new relationships.

Six of Swords meaning for career is a positive sign that your current situation at work is improving. You feel more confident and comfortable at your workplace. Perhaps, you gained enough experience and stopped stressing out or normalizing relationships with your colleagues. The card also indicates possible changes of your potion to the most fitting one. Probably, someone had left the company and you took their role.

In the context of finances, the card means that the period of financial struggles comes to an end. You’re feeling more comfortable and less worried about your bank accounts. Accept the lessons and remember what causes you trouble with money. If you will change your financial habits, a bright future awaits you.

Six of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

You need to hold on through this turbulence! You might feel frustrated because of the events that cause you trouble but still can’t leave these issues behind. The Six of Swords reversed means that you should accept the inevitable changes and leave the current position to gain happiness somewhere else. Something holds you back and doesn’t let you embark on the next journey.

The meaning of 6 of Swords meaning upside down is that you should choose yourself and be honest with yourself. If your relationships aren’t happy and your job isn’t rewarding, leave them and prepare for positive changes.

The card in reverse for love outcome and relationship may mean the period of storms and issues. It’s hard to find common ground with your significant other. Perhaps, you will eventually change plans and it will become a reason to argue with your partner.

For career, the card shows chaos, delays, changes of plans, and turbulence at your workplace. For example, if you were planning a business trip, it may be canceled or delayed. Possibly, someone’s trying to cause you serious troubles at your workplace or in business if you have a tough competitive environment in your industry.

When it comes to finances, the card means that you’re still holding delusional thoughts about your current situation. Accept the reality and start moving on to the betterment of your relationship with money. Escapism will not help you improve anything.

For health, the card upside down indicates instability and slow healing. If you’re recovering from illness, the rehabilitation may take longer than doctors were predicting.

Final Words on the 6 of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Our Six of Swords tarot guide provided a summary of the meanings of this Minor Arcana. The card means accepting loss and changes symbolizing moving on to a brighter future.

In an upright position, the card shows the necessity to accept changes and move towards the unknown. Reconsider your recent beliefs and leave some of them behind to start a new chapter in your life. For finances, the card signifies that your situation with money is improving. Recent struggles are ending and leave you a lesson to be more mindful with your spending.

The card indicates that the turbulent period at your workplace has come to an end. The recent issues or conflicts are still in your memory, but you accepted the lessons and left them behind.

6 of Swords tarot card meaning in reverse signifies the need to leave the toxic relationship or unrewarding job behind and move on towards a better future.

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