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Six of Pentacles Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


charity, community, extortion, gratitude, inequality, support, material help, sharing, justice, fairness, equality, giving, receiving, sharing wealth, neediness, investors, kindness, gifts, employment, underpayment, authority, donations

What Does the Six of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

The 6 of Pentacles is the Minor Arcana which symbolizes the good relationship with finances. The card embodies the ability and the desire to share value. It can relate to money, time, or knowledge. However, the suit of Pentacles is more about the materialistic world, the main meaning is sharing wealth.

Let’s learn more about Six of Pentacles meaning by analyzing what’s depicted on the card. In the image, we see a figure dressed in purple. It’s a status man who’s holding a scale in his hand. The picture symbolizes justice and fairness. The man also holds coins in his hand. We also see two other figures depicted in the image, they are kneeling at the feet of a man and receiving money from him.

Unlike the previous card in the deck, 5 of Pentacles, the 6 of Pentacles tarot card meaning is that one has a secure enough position to freely share his funds with others. It’s the position which reduces stress and worries about the future. The card is often a symbol of charity and charitable communities and may signify not only an ability to give but also in reverse mode. You may be a beggar who gets support when someone helps to cover their materialistic needs.

Six of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

Control the dynamic of giving and receiving! The Six of Pentacles upright appears in a reading to signify that you should follow a desire to give and share. For example, you might feel the need to give someone a gift or participate in a charitable project. Whatever you want to give, do it. Let the energy of money and value circulate and create more energy.

When the card is present in a reading it’s a good sign for love, as your partner seems to be caring and giving. If you’re about to start a new ambitious project, you may find out that your significant other is ready to support you in all the ways they can. For example, you can receive finances to start your business or get a desired degree at a university. To keep balance in your relationship, be ready to support your partner too if they need it. If you’re single, you might find a person whose efforts and generosity impress you and lead to romantic feelings.

The 6 of Pentacles tarot card meaning in this position for career is a good sign as it embodies appreciation from your managers and colleagues. You can count on employment with high rewards and a good social package. It can signify that an authoritative person helps you to get a desired position. If you’re running your own business, the card embodies support from investors and profitable deals.

When it comes to finances the card shows that your desire to help others is fulfilled as now you have enough funds for it. Also, the card is a sign that if you are looking for investors or partners to start a business, you have finally found them and are ready for the next step. It seems that your beliefs in your dream encourage others and make them follow you and help you.

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

Be sure in your investments! The Six of Pentacles reversed signifies that someone can take advantage of your generosity. Helping people is a very good idea, but ensuring that they are paying off their debts is also important. It doesn’t mean that you have to get your funds back if it was charity, but you need to get confirmation that the money went where they were supposed to.

In the context of love, the card in reverse signifies that you and your partner seem to be giving unequal amounts of energy into the relationship. The love outcome may be disappointing if you proceed to act in the same paradigm. It could be one partner subconsciously or purposefully taking advantage of the other. Such a disbalance can cause the other partner to feel dependent. Work on getting the balance in your relationship back on track.

6 of Pentacles meaning in reverse for career is a possibility of having untrusted colleagues who hide their true intentions. For example, they can use their position to help you and afterward make you feel in debt to them. It’s crucial to stay honest and have pure intentions. The card also signals that you may have a temptation to use your power to abuse others.

For finances, the card in this position means that one should be clear about any conditions of deals they make. For example, if you were recently struggling with debts and found someone ready to pay them off for you, ensure that the conditions are fair for you. Otherwise, you are risking getting into an even bigger debt than you’re in now. If you aren’t in a position of financial insecurity and are willing to help someone, ensure that your money is coming directly where you think.

Final Words on the 6 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The 6 of Pentacles is the Minor Arcana which symbolizes the ability to share wealth and participate in charitable projects. It’s about reaching a level of stability and financial independence when you can help others without stress.

In an upright position, the card is a good sign of love as it signifies help and support from your partner. If you were dreaming about starting your own business or getting a solid education, you are getting help and finances to do it. Be sure to appreciate your partner’s effort and give them back support if they require it.

The card is present in a reading in an upside down position to say that if you are giving someone your finances, you need to ensure that they serve the right purpose. For career, the card indicates that your colleagues might have hidden intentions and don’t deserve trust.

We hope that our Six and Four of Pentacles tarot guide provided you with valuable insights about the main meanings of tarot Minor Arcana. Good luck!

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