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Six of Cups Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


innocence, comfort, joy, forgiveness, safety, security, carefree, stuck in the past, freedom, youth, harmony, familiarity, cooperation, memories, healing, nostalgia, coping, rose-colored glasses

What Does the Six of Cups Mean in Readings?

6 of Cups is the Minor Arcana that symbolizes joy, innocence, and forgiveness. The card embodies presence in the moment and cherishing the gifts of life.

By looking at the illustration on the card, we take a glimpse into the Six of Cups meaning. In the picture, we see two figures, a boy and a girl. The youngsters are spreading love and joy. The boy passes a cup filled with beautiful flowers to a girl who’s looking at him with gratitude. The children are symbols of freedom and careless youth. The youngsters are safe as they appear to stand in the courtyards of a large house that symbolizes security and comfort. In the background, we see more cups filled with blooming flowers and a figure of an adult who’s not interrupting the scene as a symbol of no need to think about any issues or problems.

The card refers to your inner child and asks you to connect with that part of yourself that craves fun, joy, and freedom. Letting yourself go and being spontaneous is a great way to get back inspiration and creativity. Also, 6 of Cups tarot meaning often relates to renewing old connections and can point at children in your life. For example, it can indicate pregnancy in a reading.

The card’s main message is that however happy memories and nostalgia may bring us joy, we must avoid living only in the past.

Six of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

You crave unconditional love! When we’re kids, we get care and acceptance just for existing, and many adults miss this feeling. The card shows that you seek support from people you love. Probably, you are visiting your hometown or staying with your parents for a while to recall the feeling of carefree and happy life. The card in this position often points to the seeking of reconnection and renewal of a meaningful relationship you might have lost in the past. The card may point at the desire to simplify things and get back to childhood settings, as you seem too tired of ‘adulting’.

As the previous card the Five of Cups often indicates grief and loss, the 6 of Cups may point to the need to stay in the comfort of loving arms to gain strength and courage to accept the challenges you’re facing.

Six of Cups upright for a career means that following your passion is the right thing to do if you are about to switch industries. It would be best if you analyze the aspirations and dreams you had as a child. Such a reflection can be a huge step forward to a career that will let you unbox all your natural talents and apply your true gift. By connecting with your inner child that is spontaneous and happy, you will reveal your creative self. The card’s advice is to not be afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone in a search for some risky paths.

Six of Cups meaning for romantic relationships is that you might turn to the past to get guidance and analyze your love life. If you are going through challenges with your partner, remembering the great and happy times you’ve had together, can help you feel connected again. The card may often point at the ex-partner who appears in your life.

Six of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Let go of the memories of the past! It seems that you’re concentrating on the past too much, and don’t see how many good things are happening around you in the present. Probably, you experienced loads of happy moments shared in your childhood with your loved ones. Coming from a loving family is a blessing, and some reminiscence about the past is normal. We all are nostalgic sometimes. However, it seems that the period of living in the past lasted too long. True life is happening now, and you need to embrace it. Treasure the happy memories in a secret chest inside your heart, and let go of the mistakes and regrets.

6 of Cups meaning in reverse may also mean that you’re being too serious and boring. Your inner child craves to have fun and feel free. Add some spontaneity to your life and allow yourself to experience new things. Reconnect with the playful part of your individuality to feel the wholeness again.

Six of Cups reversed for love means one’s living in the past and ignoring the present. If you recently ended a long-term relationship, you might feel sad and pessimistic. Probably, you don’t believe that you will eventually meet someone that close and significant again. You may feel blocked from true feelings and don’t see perspectives. If you’re in a relationship, the card indicates that you’re still thinking about past relationships and hindering the growth of your existing union.

When it comes to career, the card encourages you to rethink your past and remember what actions and goals took you to your current position. What lessons have you learned in the past and how can you use them in the present? By analyzing your path, you prevent mistakes in your current position.

Final Words on the 6 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Cups tarot meaning is about nostalgia, forgiveness, joy, innocence, and comfort.

In an upright position, the card embodies the desire to feel emotional comfort and unconditional love. Probably, you seek support when facing loss, break-up, or other dramatic changes in life. For example, moving back in with your parents or visiting places you were happy in childhood.

The card in an upside down position is a signal that you’re living in the past and can’t let go of the memories about something that doesn’t exist in your life anymore. Be it your happy childhood or a marriage, you are still present there more than in your real life.

In reverse, the card indicates you’re being too serious. Your inner child craves for some silliness, spontaneity, and fun.

Letting yourself go can be very refreshing. For love, the card upside down signifies pessimism and holding on to the past. For example, when you are still thinking about your ex-partner.

We hope you enjoyed reading our Six of Cups tarot guide! Good luck and insightful readings!

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