Seven of Swords Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


lies, scheming, regret, scam, confession, warning, deception, fraud, cheating, tricks, thief, stealth, betrayal, sneakiness, cunning, rascal, shady deals, manipulation, revelation, dishonesty, perpetrator, broken trust, unfaithfulness, suspicious, gambling, strategy

What Does the Seven of Swords Mean in Readings?

The 7 of Swords is one of the Minor Arcana that is often defined as a ‘card of thieves’. A lot depends on the combinations of this card with others in a spread. The common meanings include something hidden and broken trust. 7 of Swords meaning also indicates lies, scheming, manipulating, and scam.

Seven of Swords meaning is clear when we see what’s depicted on the card. We see a figure of a man who looks like a thief as he’s leaving a military camp snakily and carrying swords with him. As there are five swords in the man’s hands, two other swords are standing behind. If we look at the man’s face, we see that he’s approaching stealth professionally and is confident that he will easily get away with the stolen swords. At the same time, we can see more figures in the background. They look disappointed and are ready to chase the thief.

In a yes or no reading, the card means a no. To avoid being tricked and played, you need to find an alternative path to solve the problem. If you’re trying to figure out how someone feels about you the card means that you seem unfaithful and cunning. Probably, you were caught on lies or cheating recently, so the person’s trust in your honesty was harmed.

Seven of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Approach problems creatively! However, the card’s main meaning is lies and scheming, you can find a rational seed in its interpretation. When you get the Seven of Swords upright, try to figure out how you can approach the issue in a non-trivial way. Sometimes we should be cunning to play someone who’s trying to play us.

The Seven of Swords tarot meaning for love is potential unfaithfulness. You or someone you trust are being dishonest. If your gut’s telling you that your partner is hiding something, it may be real. The best way to find out the truth is to honestly speak to your significant other. If you’re the one who’s being dishonest, consider the consequences of your behavior. If you have just met someone, they may have hidden intentions and lie to you about something.

For career, the card may show that your colleagues are trying to take advantage of you by gossiping about you or trying to take credit for your work. People who are undermining and manipulating are the last you can think of, so be ready for unpleasant surprises. Another meaning is that you must act unusually to reach your goals. Try to be consistent and cunning when it’s appropriate.

For finances, the card serves as a warning that your money is unsafe. Some people may try to steal from you, trick you, or manipulate you to get your material resources. Listen to your intuition and don’t trust when something looks too good to be true.

In the context of health, there is a chance that your diagnosis is false. Seek more opinions from other doctors and do more testing to ensure.

Seven of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Be careful with manipulations! Seven of Swords reversed may indicate that cunning behavior will not help you solve problems. If you try to trick someone to get an advantage in a situation, you’re risking to worsen the situation and harm your reputation. Think about your tactics twice.

7 of Swords tarot card meaning in reverse is also a potential indicator of confession and revelation of unpleasant truth. For example, if one is trying to trick and manipulate, they are ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness.

In an upside down position for love and relationship, the card means dishonesty that comes to light. If you’re the one who acted wrong, you should confess and don’t wait till the truth will be revealed. Perhaps, you were hiding something from your partner and this burden becomes too heavy.

In the context of a career, there is a sign that hidden intentions, manipulations, and lies are revealing. The consequences are inevitable. Another meaning of this card in reverse is that your current tactics aren’t working. To succeed in your projects you need to reconsider your approach and try something different and unusual.

For finances, the card may indicate that you weren’t completely honest with your deals. For example, you may have delays with paying loans or taxes. It may also embody that someone tricked you and stole from you.

When it comes to health the card means that you’re avoiding check-ups and ignoring the worsening of your physical condition. To avoid unpleasant surprises you should take care of your health and do the necessary testing. The card warns you to not put the risks to the limits.

Final Words on the 7 of Swords Meaning

The 7 of Swords is often called the ‘card of thieves’. It mostly indicates that the intentions are unveiling. The meaning of the card is also broken trust and hidden truth.

In an upright position, the card indicates that someone you recently met may hide something, manipulate you, or try to take advantage of you. If you’re in a relationship, your partner may be unfaithful. To find the truth you need to confront them and have an open discussion. For health, there is a chance that the results of medical testing are incorrect, consider more medical opinions.

In reverse, the card means that the truth is about to be revealed and has consequences. Perhaps, you will find out that you’ve been lied to for a long time or discover that your partner was unfaithful. If you’re about to trick someone, you are risking worsening the situation. It’s not the time to be cunning. You had better consider a confession if you have been lying to someone recently.

We hope you liked our Seven of Swords tarot guide and found many insights in it. Good luck!

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