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Seven of Pentacles Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


investment, harvest, progress, effort, setback, impatience, procrastination, unfinished work, lack of reward, losses, stagnant career, diligence, distractions, results, cultivation, growing, crossroads, profits, delay, questioning, nurturing

What Does the Seven of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

The 7 of Pentacles indicates that the efforts one has put into their work are finally paying off. 7 of Pentacles meaning is read from the picture on the card. We see a man’s figure in a resting pose spectating the results of his hard labour. The man is young and seems to be a gardener who works and cares for future harvest. However, we see seven large coins hanging from a bush, he does not seem to take all of them as he has strategic plans for investments. The man only takes one coin he needs for now, and lets the others help the future garden grow larger.

The picture tells a lot about the nature of the suit of Pentacles and the characteristics of sevens in the Minor Arcana. If you’re considering investing time, money, and hard work into something meaningful, the card embodies a green light to start and take on this risk. The card also shows that you realize the value of your participation in an investment project. It also indicates that you realize that you will have to wait to get any results of work and be ready for it.

If you are looking for explanations of how someone sees you, the card indicates that you’re perceived as a dedicated, hardworking person with serious and realistic intentions.

Seven of Pentacles meaning in a spiritual context indicates that your energy will get back to you in the same form but bigger amount. If you radiate happiness and love, the world will notice it and give you blessings in return.

Seven of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

Get ready for rewards! When the Seven of Pentacles upright is present in a reading, it’s a very good sign that indicates that your work will bring fruitful results. Perhaps, you were through a period of doubting and didn’t see any outcome of your efforts. Now you can see how your investments are paying off.

The card may also mean that you have potentially good ideas and enough ambitions to start putting them into life. You have goals and plans, so it’s a good time to estimate the resources you can invest into these ambitious projects.

In the context of love, the card means that you need to put more work into your relationship. If you take your union seriously, the card indicates the need to plan and discuss important aspects of your life together. For example, agree about money and long-term financial goals. Probably, you’re overly romanticized and expect to only get excited about your union.

However, love is also about hard work and compromises. If you’re single, the card shows that your friendship can grow into something bigger.

The 7 of Pentacles tarot card meaning in an upright position for a career is a sign of ambitious plans and goals. The card indicates that your efforts weren’t sudden, and all investments of time, talent, and energy are starting to pay off. It’s a good sign for business owners as it signifies the period of cultivation and growth. You can bring new ideas and innovation into your business.

The card is a good sign for finances and shows that you are about to successfully return investments, gain profit, and receive bonuses, and other material benefits.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

You need to reconsider your choices! The Seven of Pentacles reversed often shows that one hasn’t enough returns on their investments. Probably, you chose the wrong project to put your money and time into, and now you see that the rewards are zero or minimal. It may be frustrating and disappointing. The way out of this procrastination is to analyze your options and reconsider where you can reinvest your resources. The card indicates such issues with investments not only in finance, but also in love, relationships, friendship, and other spheres of life. Such a reconciliation will help you get back on track.

For love, the card in reverse indicates the need to distance yourself from your partner and reconsider your future relationship. It doesn’t mean a sudden break-up, but a lack of communication and effort makes your union stagnate. If you’re single, that card means that you might be starving for love, but still can’t figure out what are your chances to be with your crush. Be patient. You did a lot to earn their interest, so now you need to wait for some time.

The card’s meaning for a career in reverse is that one’s spending too much time at work and has almost no results. Hence, loads of effort don’t bring harvest, and it seems that these actions are counterproductive. Sometimes, paying too much attention and time to something slows it down and forces regress. Another meaning is the lack of purpose. You might put hard work into something but without a clearer strategy, you will not progress. Before you start investing time and skills into a project, do the research and analyze the process in detail.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed meaning for finances is possible underpayment and zero rewards from hard work. You should raise the questions about the need to estimate your investments.

Final Words on the 7 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles is the Minor Arcana that relates to the materialistic sphere of our lives. It embodies efforts, hard work, investments, harvest, rewards, and progress.

In an upright position, the card indicates the need to put effort into your relationship. Love isn’t always easy, and building a strong union takes time and patience. The card is a very good sign for business as it shows the return on investments, cultivation, and growth. Your financial condition becomes better as you get bonuses and other material benefits.

In reverse, the card means that you should start putting more effort into your relationships if you want them to work. If you’re single and trying to get attention from your crush, don’t rush and be patient. For career, the card in reverse means minimal results of the hard work.

We hope that you liked our Seven of Pentacles tarot guide and found it insightful! Good luck!

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