Seven of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


opportunities, options, illusions, reality check, thoughts, clarity, distractions, making choices, fantasies, wishful thinking, dreams, confusion, scam, delusions, imagination, chaos, confusion, disarray

What Does the Seven of Cups Mean in Readings?

7 of Cups is the Minor Arcana that often signifies a warning. The 7 of cups meaning is temptation, hidden truth, making choices, and the need for a reality check. It’s a card of illusions, a gentle reminder that things may be different than they seem. Also, it shows us the hidden options we may not consider. The card often embodies hard emotions that are becoming obstacles in decision-making. One might feel overwhelmed because of a multitude of options and be afraid to make a wrong choice.

The card depicts a figure turned backward, as we can’t see their face and emotions. We see seven cups floating in the air. There are clouds that symbolize illusions and dreams. The figures in the cups symbolize plenty of options. At the same time, something is hidden and we need to be careful with choices.

Seven of Cups meaning in yes or no spreads often indicates a need to clarify all the existing facts. The information isn’t complete enough to make a clear decision. The card’s advice is to consider all options and analyze all possible outcomes. For example, maybe you aren’t paying enough attention to how someone feels about you or lose the sense of a realistic time frame when it comes to planning. Anything can influence the final decision.

Seven of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

Trust your gut! Perhaps you now have to make important choices between two or more attractive options. Remember that nothing is what it seems from first sight and no rush with decisions.

Seven of Cups upright is present in a reading to show that you probably live in an illusion, and don’t realize the real way of things in your life. Some perspectives and opportunities may only exist in your imagination, and you must ground your choices on a strong understanding of what’s real and actual for now.

The card upright for love signifies that you are probably deciding between several people to have a relationship with. The temptation may force you to dive into a romantic affair, but if you want to build a long-term relationship, weigh all possible outcomes. Aren’t there any ‘red flags’ you are refusing to notice? Let your instincts guide you, not your desires. Even if all the choices look tempting, being careful is the best strategy for now.

Seven of Cups meaning in an upright position for career indicates multiple opportunities. It forces us to make serious decisions and take action towards ambitious dreams. The main advice from the card is to not gamble and be realistic about your resources and abilities. However, there might be many attractive choices, you need to focus on what aligns with your values and have clear future perspectives.

For finances, the card indicates the options for the betterment of your financial condition. Analyze all existing opportunities to choose the safest and most effective one. Be careful as some ways of making money may be reckless however attractive at first sight.

Seven of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

It’s time to be proactive! The period of soul-searching and inner work comes to an end, as now you must stick to reality. Acting towards your real dream and goals is only possible after a reality check. The card indicates that you might feel lost between your true aspirations and the ideals of others they are proclaiming. However, it’s only your life and you will have to live with the consequences of choices. The way how someone sees you is only their scope.

The card upside down for a love outcome is a symbol of chaos and misunderstandings. You’re unsure what you want from your current relationships and your partner. If you’re single, the card may embody wrong choices, mixed signals, and broken hearts. If you want to prevent disappointment, develop clarity about your true vision of your love life and decide what is important to you.

7 of cups meaning in reverse for career, signifies the lack of good opportunities or perspectives at a current workplace. Also, the card often indicates lost chances and regrets that you were passive at a certain moment. On the other side, in this position, the card shows clarity regarding your current options and abilities. Your gut is speaking to you, so ask yourself what actions will bring you to success and help you progress. The same applies to business owners. Consider all options and choose the most realistic one. Well-weigned decisions are crucial. Don’t judge yourself for lost opportunities.

For finances, the card upside down indicates that you might be delusional about your finances and lack the whole picture of your financial situation. Also, the card may mean that you finally faced reality and started consistent work towards your financial goals.

Final Words on the 7 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

In our Seven of Cups tarot guide, we provided a short description and main meanings of this Minor Arcana. 7 of Cups signifies options, choices, and the need for a reality check. Seven of Cups tarot meaning is about well-weighed choices. The card is a reminder that your true desires are only right, not the ideals and aspirations of others.

In an upright position, the card symbolizes illusions and possibly living in a world that doesn’t exist. Ensure that your fantasies and dreams have realistic grounds. In the context of love, the card embodies the choice you are making between people. Don’t let temptation and illusions make you blind and consider all possible outcomes of your choices.

The card in reverse signifies similar aspects as in an upright position but in more negative meaning. For example, when it comes to careers, there might be a lack of good options at the moment. Don’t be frustrated because of lost opportunities, and better consider realistic options that will help you progress in your business or career. For finances, the card shows that you clearly understand what to do to get what you need financially. If recently you’ve been delusional and naive, now the situation has changed.

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