Queen of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


ambitions, emotions, creativity, sexuality, selfishness, power, authority, intuition, talents, sharing, inspiration, charisma, gut, courage, friendly, outgoing, self-assurance, introverted, extroverted, demanding, independence, determination, social butterfly, instincts, self-doubts

What Does the Queen of Wands Mean in Readings?

Queen of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana. However, the main meaning of the card is embracing creativity and putting yourself first, interpretations may vary depending on other cards in spreads. It mainly signifies authoritative and self-confident figures. The Queen of Wands card encourages you to embrace your uniqueness, individuality, and sexuality, to ensure that you are taking care of your wellbeing, and working through your insecurities. The card is about being thankful for your natural talents and gifts from the Universe.

It’s easier to evaluate the Queen of Wands meaning by looking at what’s depicted on the card. We see a figure of a woman. She sits on a throne with beautiful decorations on it. We see other elements and creatures in the picture. Sunflowers are symbols of joy, life, and fertility. Two lions depicted on a throne symbolize fire and courage. The black cat is a symbol of the darkness we all have within us. The queen is aware of her shadow side and accepts it as a part of her.

Queen of Wands symbolizes individualism and courage. As a person, it could be a self-centered individual who’s ready to stand for their ideas. In some configurations, the card embodies a person who’s by your side and supports your ideas. It can signify a woman whose impact on your life brings positive changes and good energy.

Queen of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

Share your talents! Queen of Wands upright is present in a reading to remind you to shine bright like a diamond! No one is you and it’s your main power. Like a queen depicted on the card, you should freely share your energy, ideas, and talents with the world. Embrace yourself and don’t shy away from your true aspirations. Maybe you’re too worried about how someone sees you and what people will say about you. In fact, people care more about themselves.

Queen of Wands meaning in this position also includes the joy of being in the center of attention. It seems that when you’re being your true self, it gives you energy and inspiration. Probably you encourage others to be open and share their ideas contributing to the World with their talents.

For love outcome, Queen of Wands is a sign of openness and self-confidence that lets you be a great communicator. Your positive energy attracts people and encourages them to be themselves too. If you have a partner, your relationship is in a sensual phase when you both are open and connected.

When it comes to career, the card shows your enthusiasm and creativity at work. Now you have everything you need to execute your projects. For example, you may start working in a new position or start a new chapter in your career by switching workplaces. Probably, you’re mentoring younger employees or training employees of your own company as a business owner. Self-confidence, passion, and positive energy you radiate attract people and help them evolve.

For money, the card in an upright position shows that you’re acting smart when it comes to finances. Decisions about investments or big purchases you make are based on your gut, and it serves you right.

Queen of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

Failures and rejections don’t define you! You might feel disappointed that someone didn’t choose you as a partner or a vendor. Maybe you were trying to get a job but failed. Remember how talented and gifted you are! Recall how many times you won in the past. Your experience and inner potential don’t go away after someone rejects you. The Queen of Wands reversed is here to say that you should gain confidence and prepare yourself for future wins. Her main message is to not let yourself spiral into a pessimistic mood. If you weren’t lucky in love, you might stop going out and be an optimistic social butterfly as you used to be. Take your time to recharge your batteries. Sometimes we all need to be introverts for a while. Use the time alone to regain your power and self-confidence.

Queen of Wands in reverse for love signifies that there is a lack of compassion in your relationship. You and your significant other are losing connection because of being too self-centered and selfish. Don’t let your ego ruin good relationships. Take time to talk about your insecurities and find a solution.

Queen of Wands meaning upside down for career signifies a lack of enthusiasm. Your job doesn’t satisfy you anymore. Low performance forces you in a bad mood and it seems like you’re spiraling down. If you want to keep this job, remember why you chose it and what benefits your job brings you. Maybe you can work remotely from the comfort of your home or have nice colleagues you like talking to. Concentrate on advantages to get back your excitement.

When it comes to finances the card’s message is to be aware of how smart you spend your money. It’s not the time to be reckless and overspending.

Final Words on the Queen of Wands Tarot Meaning

Our Queen of Wands tarot guide provided you with comprehensive explanations of this Minor Arcana meanings. In a reading, Queen of Wands symbolizes intuition, sexuality, independence, charisma, creativity, and socialization. The card often symbolizes a woman with a high level of self-confidence and positive energy, a person who stands by your side. The card is also a symbol of natural talents and gifts.

In an upright position, the card is a symbol of positivity, creativity, and good energy. Self-confidence and open communication make you successful in anything you start. People feel your vibes and get inspired by your art of being yourself.

In reverse for love, the card signifies that you, your partner, or both, are being too self-centered and selfish. To avoid issues and break-ups you had better talk openly about any insecurities that may appear in your couple.

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