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Queen of Swords Tarot Card Meaning: Upright and Reversed Positions


honest, independent, bitter, unforgiving, wise, realistic, objective, experienced, clarity, boundaries, trauma, confusion, cruelty, manipulations, direct communication, intelligent, chatty, skeptical, nasty, divorced, unforgiven, cheater, pessimistic, harsh, rude

What Does the Queen of Swords Mean in Tarot Readings?

The Queen of Swords is the Minor Arcana that indicates ambitions, independence, and honesty. The card often means that you must be justified when making any decision. Your resolutions must be based on fact and truth. Since the suit of Swords represents the intellectual sphere, the card signifies that relying on analytics and a thoughtful approach is important. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of emotions.

As a personality, it can embody an older woman who is capable of following logic and excluding emotions when making decisions. If we look at a picture on the card we see many symbols in it. A figure of a woman is sitting on the throne. As the throne is situated high, she has a good perspective to see a lot from a distance. Clouds around a woman signify her untouchable position and independent judgment. She holds a sword in her hand and points its edge to the sky indicating the clearness and straightforwardness in her decisions. We can say that she’s not arrogant and not out of this world as she realizes the essentiality of considering the opinions of others.

Queen of Swords tarot meaning is the need to make judgments based on facts and consider the opinions of different people. It also indicates open and direct communication. The Queen of Swords meaning how someone sees you is an honest, self-controlled, and clear-minded individual who can take responsibility for their actions and words.

For a yes or no reading the card is a yes. Be clear about your needs and thoughts, and the outcome will be as you need.

Queen of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Think your decisions over! Queen of Swords upright indicates that you have to involve intellect and analytics when making decisions. If recently you were impulsive and let emotions control your actions, this time such a childish position can be too reckless.

Queen of Swords meaning for love outcome shows an individual who is more independent and lonelier than the one who strives to enter a relationship. If this person will be with someone, it will mean a lot. The card often indicates that one is looking for a partner who will let them stay self-efficient and independent while being in a union with someone. If you get this card in a reading about love outcome, it indicates the person who’s highly aware of their boundaries and possibilities. They wish to find a partner who respects and values their achievements.

In the context of a career, the card means an individual with a clear and strong professional reputation who is ready for pressuring and highly responsive projects. It may indicate a person with a unique combination of interpersonal qualities who’s capable of seeing the achievements of others and giving valuable advice. It’s about an independent professional whose opinion is highly valued and respected by others in the industry.

For finances and money, the card means that you can count on getting meaningful and precious financial advice from an experienced and independent woman. It may also mean that you can earn additional funds thanks to your natural gifts and talents.

In the context of health, that card signifies that you prefer to repress your emotions and want to stay calm and independent. This tendency may cause mental illness. Be sure to find some way to release your emotions.

Queen of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Pay attention to your needs! The Queen of Swords reversed indicates you neglect your feelings and do not prioritize your comfort. Probably, you have many responsibilities and forget that it’s crucial to support yourself. By putting your interests and desires first, you will feel more powerful and confident. The card signifies a lack of emotions. Maybe you’re running away from your true feelings.

Queen of Swords meaning in reverse for love and relationship outcome is indicating a person whose actions are cruel and bitter. Perhaps, their behaviour results from a hard traumatizing experience that requires healing and therapy.

The card in an upside down position for career indicates a woman in her age who may be skeptical regarding you at your work position. Perhaps, she’s creating a negative image of you in front of colleagues. The card may also indicate that you are seen by co-workers as a rude person who’s not about making friendly connections. You seem too independent and shady for them.

For finances, there is a need to clarify the current deals that are in the stage of communication. You are risking losing money because of misunderstandings. The cats may also indicate a woman who’s giving you the wrong direction regarding your fiancees. Be aware of unwanted advice from others.

In the context of health, the card means issues with fertility or possible misunderstandings with doctors. Perhaps, you’re not organized enough to be at your appointment on time or take your medicines as prescribed.

Final Words Queen of Swords Meaning

The card is present in a reading signifying independence and honesty. As a person, it can indicate a mature and wise woman who judges everyone and everything according to rational thinking and facts, not involving emotions. In a yes or no reading, the card indicates a yes.

When upright, the card embodies the involvement of intellect and analysis of facts before deciding on something. It’s about wise and mature femininity that prioritizes logical judgments over emotions. It may even seem like an emotionless personality.

The Queen of Swords tarot meaning upside down is the need to prioritize your feelings and emotional needs. Be realistic about your desires and don’t over-rationalize the emotional sphere of your life. For career, the card indicates the high level of authority and independence of a professional. It may indicate a person who combines self-confidence and professionalism with readiness to provide valuable professional advice and guidance to young specialists.

We hope you found our Queen of Swords tarot guide interesting and useful. Good luck!

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