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Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


healing, supportiveness, understanding, attention, guidance, spirituality, affection, intuition, emotional intelligence, insecurity, needness, loyalty, wisdom, compassion, protection, kindness, true intensions, oversensitivity, weakness, melancholy, disorganization, generosity, charity, giving

What Does the Queen of Cups Mean in Readings?

The Queen of Cups is one of the tarot Minor Arcana. The card represents love, compassion, kindness, emotional wisdom, loyalty, and a good mother figure. We learn more about the Queen of Cups tarot meaning by analyzing the symbols in the picture on the card. We see a figure of a woman who sits on the throne. There is a see behind the woman, that represents symbolism of the emotional sphere. The woman looks presentable and peaceful. She holds a cup in her hand. The picture radiates emotional intelligence and spiritual nature.

Queen of Cups meaning relates to intuitive guidance and emotional depth. When the card is present in a reading it signifies the need to focus on self care and the emotional sphere of our lives, embrace emotional intelligence and cultivate spirituality. As a person this card represents an understanding woman whose intelligence and wisdom help to face problems with compassion, kindness, and truth.

The card in a reading often indicates the overwhelming emotions that control a person. When experiencing an emotional outbreak, one may start to imagine things that aren’t real and overthink. Try to divide yourself from your emotions and critically estimate the situation. When it comes to spirituality, the card recommends reconnecting with your inner thoughts. For example, try meditations that help develop your intuitive abilities and emotional nature.

Queen of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

Follow your heart, not head! The Queen of Cups upright is present in a reading indicating that you need to trust your inner guidance and let it lead you through the existing questionable circumstances. Even if the solution seems irrational, trust your gut and follow your inner voice. It will lead you to the right place. Open to the unknown and don’t wonder about seeing signs and hints from the Universe.

Queen of Cups tarot meaning for career indicates a caring and supporting person that positively affects your efforts and aspirations. It can also mean that you care about your colleagues, mentoring them and showing compassion. If you currently require direction or professional advice, the card signifies that a person with required skills will come your way to help.

In the context of love, the card embodies deeper understanding among partners. You both experience the benefit of emotional connection, support and acceptance. This is a kind of a relationship that makes you feel secure, heard, and healed. The card also can indicate a woman with a caring nature who’s ready to give you guidance and protection.

In the context of money, the card signifies the desire and ability to help others financially. For example, you can participate in charity projects or send money to your relatives. The card can also mean that you’re prioritizing finances over everything else.

Queen of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

You seem to lack direction! Queen of Cups reversed points at insecurity and oversensitivity. The card may point at a person who lacks emotional maturity. The best advice of the card in this position is to apply the helicopter view to your problems and rise above the situation to find a right way to resolve it. The card often points at someone who might be self-centered and emotionally weak.

Queen of Cups meaning upside down indicates that your actions and emotions aren’t aligned. Probably, you are in a situation when you can’t freely express your feelings or can’t clearly see how someone feels about you so you hide your emotions. The message from cards is to try to stabilize the situation and don’t take things personally. Remember, that feeling something doesn’t automatically define you as such a person. For example, being angry doesn’t equal being evil.

The card in reverse for career means exhaustion and emotional burnout. Probably, you get underpaid for the amount of work you deliver. Also the card may show that you care too much about the comfort of your colleagues neglecting your own emotional well-being at work.

In the context of love and relationship, the card indicates that your partner or you seem to be too attentive and caring so it starts to feel hard to handle. To gain balance one of you must learn not only giving but also receiving support and love.
When it comes to finances, the card upside down represents emotional issues related to money. Perhaps you tend to compulsively spend money to get a short-term mood uplift. Another meaning of the card in terms of finances is overstepping yourself in a desire to help and support others.

Final Words on the Queen of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

We hope that our Queen of Cups tarot guide helped you to understand the meaning of this Minor Arcana. The card embodies self care and the emotional side of our lives. It also may mean a mature and caring woman embodying a good mother figure.

Queen of Cups meaning in an upright position shows that you’re prioritizing finances over everything else in your life and losing balance. In the contexts of love the card in an upright position indicates a healthy relationship where emotional needs of partners are fulfilled. For career, the card embodies a skilled and professional person who gladly shares their experience and guides you with valuable advice.

In reverse the card indicates that you are tending to please others more than thinking about your own comfort. For example, when it comes to money, the card’s advice is to prioritize your needs above others’. The card may also show that you make compulsive purchases to get a fast endorphin burst. However, it can be a one-time solution, it doesn’t address the main issue.

In the context of the career, the cards show imbalance. Pay attention to your emotional condition at your workplace. Being fulfilled by the job you do is crucial to maintain effective life-work balance. Start with solving your problems first, not others.

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