Page of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


free spirit, discovery, inspiration, idealism, excitement, optimism, research, interest, creativity, enthusiasm, passion, creative block, adventure, new horizons, curiosity, transformation, pessimism, exploration, lack of ideas, delays, intelligence, good news, rush

What Does the Page of Wands Mean in Readings?

The Page of Wands is the Minor Arcana embodying curiosity, free spirit, discovery, and new ideas. It’s all about inspiration, creativity, exploration, and new horizons.

Page of Wands meaning is read from the picture on the card. We see a young man in a beautiful suit depicted with a long wand in his hand. The wand stands firmly on the ground but the man doesn’t use it for support. Perhaps the wand helps him to explore and discover new lands. Rocky mountains in the background do not concern him and don’t seem to be an obstacle to his exciting adventure. The appearance of a man radiates confidence and excitement. The wand is sprouting symbolizing a fruitful vibe, good energy, and new ideas.

Page of Wands is often about embracing your inner child and following its passions and desires with enthusiasm. There’s a lot of curiosity and desire to explore the world around you.

The main message of the Page of Wands is to be open to new adventures and new beginnings. It can signify the early stages of a new exciting project or the birth of new fruitful ideas. From the opposite side, these ideas need a plan of execution, and this is a weakness according to this card. Like a young man, who’s very excited and creative, sometimes we lack the courage and experience to start implementing our ideas to life. Another potential obstacle is that plenty of ideas may distract you from one another. Lack of concentration doesn’t let us move on and take opportunities.

Page of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

Fulfillment guaranteed! Page of Wands in an upright position signifies the need to boldly implement your ideas to life. If you’re shy and afraid, your creative aspirations will stay in your head forever. You should believe in yourself and have the courage to act. Inspiration and an adventurous vibe radiating from this card are encouraging you to take your chances. By being consistent and active, you will succeed.

The card is here to tell you that the world awaits your actions and ideas. Don’t let any hesitations stop you and drag you down. Explore and transform your surroundings, meet new people, and widen your horizons with passion.

Page of Wands upright for love indicates a perfect time to meet someone. It would be great if you would often go out and participate in different activities. Widen your horizons and network! If you already have a partner, trying some new experiences together will spark more interest in each other in your relationship. For example, you can take a road trip or go skating together.

Page of Wands meaning when upright is a good sign for career as it indicates brilliant opportunities. Your skills, creativity, and ideas were noticed, and now you’re about to start an exciting project or take a dream position. It’s time to shine! Success awaits you. Be bold enough to present creative ideas to your boss or a client.

When it comes to health, the card indicates the need to create an effective regime of physical activities. It would help if you try some new kind of fitness, for example, taking yoga or dance classes. Reconsider your nutrition plan and consume more healthy products.

Page of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

It seems you lack direction! Page of Wands reversed signifies missed opportunities, and delays. The card may also mean that someone lacks confidence and cannot figure out what should be the next step. Perhaps you face instability and can’t move your plans forward. Often we have new exciting ideas but are afraid to share them with others. Don’t be shy and open to the world of opportunities! You can gather a great team by sharing your creative insights or even involve an investor in your ambitious project.

Probably, you are already working on the implementation of your ideas, but can’t figure out the right approach. The cards’ advice is to stop looking only to the future but turn your thoughts into the past. Recall the initial vision and reconsider changes that can help to find the right approach.

If you’re wondering about love outcome, the card upside down is telling you about a person who is adventurous and a bit childish and who probably isn’t looking for long-term commitments. It’s a person without serious intentions, not the one to rely on. For those who are in a relationship, the card in reverse signifies that you might lose the direction of your union. Are you sure your goals and values are still aligned? The card may also mean boredom and loss of spark between partners.
For finances Page of Wands when it’s present in reverse indicates instability. Probably you have loans and barely manage to pay your bills. Lack of financial planning and being overly confident about the money led you to this point. Page of Wands tarot card meaning for career signifies that you’re unhappy in your current professional role. Perhaps, you were dreaming of joining a different industry but had to earn money. Now you could be more financially stable and have time to evaluate your attitude to your work. If it seems unsatisfying or boring, consider changes.

Final Words on the Page of Wands Meaning

Page of Wands is the Minor Arcana that embodies excitement, fresh start, creativity, and new ideas. In reverse, that card means creative block, pessimism, delays, and lack of inspiration.

Page of Wands card in an upright position means that your ideas are waiting to be implemented. Creativity isn’t enough if there isn’t a working plan of execution. Don’t hesitate to start. Now you may shy away from the next adventure, but it’s about to begin. If you’re single, there are good opportunities to meet someone. Widen your horizons.

Page of Wands tarot card meaning when in reverse is signifying that you’re about to face challenges with finances. Consider options that will help to change your financial situation and work hard to prevent risks. For love, the card shows that you might be in a relationship that is getting bored or stop bringing fulfillment to you and your partner.

We hope you enjoyed our Page of Wands tarot guide! Good luck!

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