Page of Swords Tarot Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


education, perspectives, enthusiasm, energy, curiosity, protection, intelligence, communication, innovations, ideas, planning, patience, bad news, fairness, diplomacy, empathy, inspiration, paranoic, cynical, sarcastic, conflict, insight, rudeness, chatty, brainstorm

What Does the Page of Swords Mean in Readings?

Page of Sword is the Minor Arcana that is associated with a Gemini Zodiac sign and element Air. The common Page of Swords meaning is enthusiasm, communication, ideas, curiosity, education, and inspiration. It’s about thinking out of the box and exploring new areas. The card embodies new knowledge and innovations. In a reversed position the card may indicate the conflicts of interests or bad news. As a person, the card represents a young and communicative individual with innovative ideas and non-standard thinking who is looking for new knowledge.

The Page of Swords tarot card meaning is clearer when we look at the picture on it. We see a figure of a young person whose energy is bursting and seems unstoppable. A youngster is holding a sword and looks determined yet a bit anxious. Perhaps, something seems to disappoint a person, so they’re ready to start a conflict. The surroundings symbolize movement and turbulence.

If you want to know how someone feels about you, it appears that you look youthful, energetic, and enthusiastic. The card is present in a yes or no reading indicating a yes as it’s a symbol of intelligence and good communication skills. There is a diplomatic way to agree on everything.

Page of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

You have a curious mind! The Page of Swords upright appears in a reading to signify that you are full of ideas. If you want to start a new project, the cards are saying that it’s the right time to go ahead!

The card when appearing in an upright position often indicates a person who’s chatty and oversharing. It’s when their brain is always working and creating new ideas, and ready to discuss them anywhere and anytime. Sometimes it may be a case of misunderstanding. The Page of Swords tarot card meaning is that sharing ideas is better when they are constructive and match the context.

In the context of a career, the card in an upright position signifies an ambitious and innovative individual whose ideas are appreciated, however, it might be a newbie at their position. For example, it may mean a person on probation who draws attention by being well-educated and attentive to details. The card may also mean being a student or getting additional working skills.

For love outcome, the card indicates the need to communicate, socialize, and widen your circle. If you have a partner, you may find yourself in an argumentation that seems senseless. Both of you stand your points and it’s not a big problem, but the impact of this conflict can become serious if you let it annoy you. It may also point to a person who’s full of thoughts and ideas, likes to communicate, and wants to share their thoughts with a partner.

When it comes to finances, the card indicates that you’re interested in finding ways to get more confidence about your bank accounts. Probably, you consider investing, saving, or creating a retirement fund.

For health, the card is present in a reading in an upright position indicating that your body and mind are healing. Don’t overthink anything related to your health.

Page of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Lack of fairness detected! Perhaps, someone in your circle lacks patience and delicacy when it comes to things or events that are essential for you. The Page of Swords reversed indicates that communication between you and some people seems to be poor. For example, because you avoid conversations or need to develop your interpersonal skills. Page of Swords meaning in reverse can signify a person who doesn’t care how their words may hurt others. Be careful when you communicate.

For love outcome and relationship, the card indicates miscommunication and lack of patience from the side of one of the partners. Perhaps, you’re struggling to understand each other and get hurt by the rude words of your partner who lacks empathy to realize you’re being offended by their words. If your goal is to save this union you both must learn to tolerate the opposite views and learn to look for compromises.

In the context of a career, the Page of Swords indicates that you are curious and innovative, but you talk more than work. Setting goals and planning are essential parts of the working process, but only by consistent actions will you get where you want to get. You should stop chatting and get back to your main responsibilities. The card also may signify a person whose gossiping and being rude makes others in the company feel bad. Another interpretation for a career can be often changing jobs, trying different areas, and looking for the best option for you.

When it comes to finances, the card means that your recent ideas about earning more money are still in the paper. Probably, the issue is the lack of actions, just research, and analysis of ideas.

Final Words on the Page of Swords Tarot Meaning

The Page of Swords is the Minor Arcana that interprets as innovations communication, new ideas, and education. It may indicate a young and curious person full of enthusiasm and looking for new knowledge.

In an upright position, the card embodies communication that can successfully solve any issues, but at the same time, it’s a warning to be careful of what you’re saying. You’re bursting with innovative ideas, and what to explore. Perhaps, you’re looking for something and trying a different pace to find the right one for yourself.

Page of Swords meaning in reverse is a person who can make damage with their words and hurt someone’s feelings by saying unpleasant things. For career, the card indicates that you might have good ideas, but need to be aware of whom you share your thoughts with. Some people can get you wrong or misunderstood.

We hope that our Page of Swords tarot guide was useful and gave you compelling information about this Minor Arcana. Good luck!

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