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Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


curiosity, new ideas, possibilities, creativity, creative block, emotions, feelings, inspiration, admirer, seduction, crush, inner child, naivety, childishness, envy, obsession, bad news, jealousy, art, fashion

What Does the Page of Cups Mean in Readings?

The Page of Cups is one of the Minor Arcana. The suit of Cups in tarot embodies emotions, creativity, intuition, and new ideas. The card symbolizes curiosity, inspiration, and obsession. It often embodies young people or individuals with childish behavior.

By analyzing the symbols depicted on the card we find out more about the Page of Cups meaning. We see a figure of a man standing on the seashore. He wears a blue suit with a long scarf and holds a large cup in his hand. We also see a big fish staring at a man from the cup. Probably the man wasn’t expecting the appearance of the fish as he seemed surprised. The fish is a symbol of creativity and a burst of inspiration.

The Page of Cups meaning is about new opportunities and ideas that come to you out of the blue. The card embodies the streaming energy of inspiration and self-expression in various forms. The card’s advice is to be open to everything new that comes to your mind and your life. Turn your curiosity on and explore opportunities.

It’s about believing that everything is possible. By embracing your inner child you can discover many interesting things and gain insights about yourself and life. The card is often present in readings to encourage you to dream big and realize your endless potential. The Page of Cups is a ‘messenger’ card. It often brings new ideas, good news, positive feedback, invitations to events, and other information.

Page of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

Good news is coming! The Page of Cups upright says that everything’s possible. You probably are about to receive positive and inspiring news or get an invitation to an event where you will be feeling good and having fun. The card in an upright position holds the energy of childhood, so it’s about embracing your inner child and being a bit naive and highly sensitive. Also, the card may indicate that you’re becoming mature in some situations. Probably, you tended to be overreacting and dramatic for no reason. Now you seem to act wisely and compassionately, demonstrating loyalty and kindness.

For love and relationship, the card shows romantic gestures, happy outcomes, and proposals. For example, it may mean pregnancy, childbirth, engagement, or marriage. It’s also a sign that you might be someone’s secret crush. If you’re single, that card signifies that you should follow your heart. If you sympathize with someone, let them know.

When it comes to the Page of Cups card an upright position is a good omen in the context of a career. You’ll receive good news about your job soon. For example, you will be hired to a position of your dreams, promoted, get a salary raise, or successfully close a business deal. The card can embody specific industries related to art and creativity, like fashion, show business, or cinema. Another meaning of this card in an upright position can be a signal to stop daydreaming and take action to change the situation at your workplace for the better. For example, if you have a vision of a perfect job or a working business idea, you should work hard to make things happen.

When it comes to finances, the message from the card is positive. Long-awaited news related to money is on its way. Pay attention to spending and don’t buy unnecessary goods.

Page of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Listen to your intuition! The Page of Cups meaning upside down indicates that you are having doubts in your ideas. Probably, when something exciting comes to your mind your inner critic starts taking you away from implementing your ideas to life.

The message from the Page of Cups upside down is to analyze the outcome and realize what these ideas mean to you. Maybe you think the current timing isn’t good to work on this idea and you should share it with someone who can jump in to help. Think over the reasons why you lack confidence and can’t believe that you can bring your vision to life. Perhaps, you’re afraid of the judgment of others or are afraid that you will fail. The best way in this situation is to listen to your intuition and follow it.

If you’re interested in the love outcome, the card in reverse indicates the risks of being seduced by a person who can break your heart. The common meaning of this card in reverse for love is cancelings and disappointments. It also may indicate that you or your partner are being overdramatic. If you treasure your current relationship, consider being more serious and act maturely. Jealousy, envy, and other destructive feelings can influence your couple’s future.

In the context of career, the card upside down signifies that if you want to maintain the current status quo at your workplace, you need to work hard. Without your efforts, things may get worse. For example, you possibly will not get a long-awaited promotion or salary raise. When it comes to money, the card signifies the need to be careful with finances. You should be mindful of purchases and avoid reckless spending or unnecessary investments.

Final Words on the Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Page of Cups is the card that indicates curiosity, creativity, new ideas, and inspiration. It also embodies your inner child or points at a real young or childish person.

In an upright position, the card signifies upcoming good news, invitations to events, acceptance of offers, positive changes, and more information. The card also means that a person is becoming more mature and compassionate. For love, the card means good events like engagement, pregnancy, or wedding.

Page of Cups tarot card meaning in reverse indicates possible disappointments in love life. If you’re single you need to be careful with new crushes to avoid heartbreak. If you have a partner, the card indicates that someone or both of you are being childish and overdramatic. For finances, the card indicates that you should be careful with money and avoid reckless spending.

We hope our Page of Cups meaning tarot guide was helpful. Good luck!

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