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Nine of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


resilience, stubbornness, strength, defense, stamina, perseverance, repeated trying, being paranoid, bad experience, pain, life lessons, tiredness, retreat, low energy, hope, dedication, determination, rigidity, fatigue, giving up, courage

What Does the Nine of Wands Mean in Readings?

Nine of Wands is the Minor Arcana. Since commonly all Wands are associated with fire, the Nine of Wands tarot card meaning relates to fire deep within us. It often signifies bad experiences, painful insights, and pain that makes us stronger. It’s like to be ‘burned’ by feelings and hardships.

Nine of Wands meaning is getting clear when we see the figure of a man in the picture on the card. We can say that this person had some hard times as he seemed wounded. His arm and head are in bandages, and he’s possibly been in a fight. However, the bad experience the man has been through didn’t break him. We see his readiness to proceed to fight. The man has a wand in his hand, and we see eight more wands around him looking like a fence. Possibly, he put the wands there to protect himself in a battle. We realize that the man is ready to defend himself and his territory at all costs.

Nine of Wands is about proceeding despite obstacles. There are hidden reserves of power within you. You probably think that everything and everyone is fighting against you right now, but giving up isn’t an option. Possibly there were painful lessons you went through recently. Being open and genuine could be risky sometimes but don’t let these hardships and bad experiences make you bitter and scared. The card’s advice is to be careful as you proceed as there’s a possibility you’ll get hurt.

Nine of Wands Upright Explained

You seem very determined! Nine of Wands upright are here to say – keep pushing! Courage and stamina became your surrenders after recent battles, and now you shouldn’t let fear stop you from proceeding. The card may indicate a person who’s been through many struggles but is still full of hope.

Nine of Wands also often indicates that a person was working hard through something valuable and experienced failures multiple times and seems to lose hope for changes. However, by keeping going, they will get a reward and reach their goal despite all odds.

For readings about love outcome Nine of Wands means indicating the need to work on your relationships. It seems that you’ve already decided to stay together despite any challenges that may arise. Respect, sacrifice, adaptation, open communication, and constant work through problems become the working strategy for your couple. The card in this position also can signify your or your partner’s readiness to take your relationship to the next level in the near future. For example, to propose.

For finances the Nine of Wands tarot meaning indicates distress. Troubles with money put pressure on you making you regret your carefree financial decisions in the past. Probably, you’re considering borrowing money from your family or friends or taking a loan to solve your situation. The cards recommend you consider additional income instead of loans. By putting some action into earning you will quickly deal with current issues.

hen it comes to health, the card in reverse shows that your physical condition isn’t so good. Your body signals you about the need to rest. Overloading and hard work make your organism suffer. However, it’s not a sign to stop immediately. You might have some responsibilities and tasks to finish before you take this needed break. It also can indicate a comeback of an old disease.

Nine of Wands Reversed Explained

You’re able to handle it! The Nine of Wands reversed indicates that you are close to giving up. Exhaustion and low energy are becoming your ongoing surrenders. You probably feel tired as you’ve been putting so much effort into something that still isn’t working. Challenges are making you feel sad and lose motivation. Is it worth so much struggle and pain? Sure! Just keep going!

When the Nine of Wands is present in a reading in an upside down position its the sign to find and release the inner reserves of energy to proceed with your battle. Everything valuable comes to us only after struggles. You’re getting close to victory, and it’s not the time to give up.

If you’re wondering what the Nine of Wands card means for love, there’s a sign that you lack fulfillment. Despite the massive effort you put into your relationships, it seems like nothing works out. Maybe your significant other doesn’t invest time and emotions in your union and it disappoints you.

Nine of Wands tarot meaning in reverse for career indicates getting close to burnout. Probably you are overloaded with responsibilities or take some work from your colleagues. If you own a business, it’s crucial to start delegating to be able to proceed in this role. There’s a big difference between leading a business and running a business. If you run – you do many operations by yourself, but if you lead – you find the right people who run the business instead of you.

When it comes to finances the Nine of Wands meaning in reverse indicates destructive patterns in your financial behavior. Consider more consistent spending and dedicated planning.

Final Words on the Nine of Wands Meaning

Nine of Wands is a Minor Arcana that means defensiveness, life lessons, and ongoing battle. In our Nine of Wands tarot guide, we provided you with the keywords and explanation of upright and reversed meanings of this card.

In an upright position the card says that by keeping pushing and believing in success, one will win sooner or later. The card indicates a person whose courage and stamina are helping to proceed with fighting with circumstances and win. The person is determined no matter what the future holds.

In an upside down position, the card means that you’re about to give up. The process of battle might hurt you and not seeing results is demotivating. You lose hope and determination to proceed going forward. Don’t give up as you’re very close to victory! The desired outcome is on its way.

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