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Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


worrying, fear, anxiety, nightmares, depression, guilt, secrets, insomnia, paranoia, mental distress, disturbance, regret, downfall, pressure, panic, terror, negativity, hallucinations, menopause, facing life, giving up, self-pity

What Does the Nine of Swords Mean in Readings?

The 9 of Swords is the Minor Arcana that indicates fear, worries, and anxiety.

Nine of Swords meaning is the repetition of fears that previously were forgotten or faded away. It’s about chronic worrying that makes you lose sleep and forces depression.

9 of Swords meaning is clear from the picture on the card. We see a woman who’s sitting on her bed. The nine swords are hanging on the dark wall behind the bed covering it completely. We can say that the woman was asleep but now she’s distressed because of an eventual awakening. Perhaps, she’s had a nightmare that scared her a lot as we see her holding hands near her face. She tries to shy away from the memories of the nightmare, but it’s not as easy as it seems.

The symbolism of the picture supports the idea of paranoia, mental distress, and fear. The swords on the wall are associated with negative thinking and a pessimistic mindset caused by anxiety and continuous stress.

In yes or no readings the card means no as it’s a more negative card in most situations. Be attentive considering the context of other cards in a certain spread.

If you’re wondering how someone sees you, the card indicates that you look like a person who wants to isolate and go through their struggles coping and facing the negative emotions alone.

Nine of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Don’t let your fears control your life! It seems that you are dramatizing even the smallest failures and afraid of the worst outcome of any situation. You are letting anxiety rule and risk becoming depressed (or already are). The Nine of Swords upright signifies that you’re paralyzed by fear and losing sleep.

In the context of love, the card indicates paranoid thoughts, mental issues, and conscious anxiety about your current situation in a relationship. Probably, you don’t trust your partner because of recent infidelity from them or just because of word of mouth from people who tend to undermine your relationships. Try to step away from this circle of stress and see everything without emotional engagement. Maybe your fears are only your imagination.

The Nine of Swords tarot meaning for career is an indicator of sadness and deep unhappiness. Something about your work makes you anxious and scares you. Maybe it’s your current position you’ve overgrown as it means that you hit the wall in your company and there are no other positions for you there. It may also be a sign that the situation you faced in the past in your career repeats itself and it makes you follow the same patterns of anxiety and stress.

When it comes to finances, the card’s interpretation is that you’re under pressure because of problems with money. Your stress has real reasons, and you can panic. To avoid spiraling into despair and more stress, you need to analyze the situation and estimate your real options. Consider all sources you can use to improve your financial situation and make the best out of this tough life lesson.

For health, the card means issues with hormones or mental disease caused by continuous anxiety. Probably, you need the help of a therapist to take care of your mental health.

Nine of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Fears contradict your reality! The Nine of Swords reversed appears signalizing that you need to stop negative thinking as it makes you anxious and overworried. You are sure that everything is bad and becoming even worse. The downfalling spiral of your life has no bottom, and you’re drowning. To break this pattern you must act and start looking for other perspectives.

9 of Swords tarot card meaning in reverse also is negative self-talk and being hard on yourself. By oppressing your talents and achievements you serve destructive scenarios. You should work on your self-esteem by honest estimation of your current life situation. If you are too depressed and anxious right now, look for help from professional therapists or at least talk to a friend with a positive and mature attitude to life. You must see the situation from another angle and realize that you have the power to change your condition.

In an upside down position for love and relationship outcome, the card means issues with trust and suspicious behavior. Often the card signifies infidelity. If you were paranoid about your partner’s cheating, you probably were right. The card may also mean scandals and arguments.

For a career, the card may mean either problems or a happy outcome after going through probations. Consider analyzing this card upside down in the context of the cards in a spread. For finances, the card also may have one of the polar interpretations. For example, in some readings, it indicates financial collapse, while in other spreads it indicates that your recent worries about money are passing.

In the context of health, the card means that one’s dealing with mental diseases. It either may signify overcoming depression or its worsening.

Final Words on the 9 of Swords Meaning

The 9 of Swords is the Minor Arcana which is more likely considered a negative card. The common Nine of Swords meaning is fear, worries, and anxiety. Usually the card points to extreme negative emotions like regret, guilt, and self-loathing.

In an upright position, the 9 of Swords means fears, chronic anxiety, depression, mental exhaustion, and disturbance. For love, the interpretation of the card is paranoid thoughts and continuous fear about your current status in relationships. For finances, the card’s advice is to stop exaggerating stress and focus on real steps you can make towards improvements to your current situation with money. Don’t let fear and stress paralyze you.

In reverse, the card means that fears are contradicting your reality. It’s time to regain your courage, be strong, and be proactive. Look at the situation from another angle and see your perspectives.

We hope that our Nine of Swords tarot guide was interesting to read. Good luck!

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