Knight of Wands Tarot Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


spontaneity, charisma, fast energy, enthusiasm, hesitations, action, magnetism, passion, fierceness, impatient, volatile, arrogance, charm, heroism, domineering, reckless, bravery, flirt, rebel, fearlessness, vitality, fiery spirit

What Does the Knight of Wands Mean in Tarot Readings?

This card is considered one of the most charismatic figures among the Minor Arcana. Knight of Wands is present in readings to embody fast energy, spontaneity, and enthusiasm. The card may signify a bright and bold personality in some spreads.

We must evaluate the Knight of Wands meaning by looking at the image on the card. We see a figure of a man who’s riding a horse. Probably this is the knight as he wears paramour and a specific robe. The man is ready for action and we can say that he feels confident. He doesn’t have traditional battle weapons, but holds a wooden wand in his hand. The illustration has many elements in orange colour that symbolizes fire. The Wands are associated with fire, so this picture reminds us about it: for example, the horse’s color is red.

Knight of Wands often appears to encourage us to act fiercely. It often relates to spontaneous trips and reckless decisions that bring success and joy. The adventurous nature of the Knight of Wands card signifies fiery spirits that like fast decisions, fast movement, and enjoy their ride. In some readings, the card means sudden changes nobody expects. For example, it can be relocation, a new job, participating in a new large project, and other significant yet surprising events.

Knight of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

You’re looking in the future with courage! Knight of Wands upright signifies that you’re at the stage when you have any doubts in your plans and ready to start implementing them. Energy and vitality are bursting within you when you are thinking about an upcoming event or project. Ambitious and even reckless concept of the future process gives you inspiration and excitement. You’re confident and ready to meet any challenge and overcome it. It seems that you’re proud of yourself.

The Knight of Wands in an upright position for career means a good timing for a new start. Perhaps you’ve finally finished the preparation stage before starting your ambitious project.

For love the card can show an individual as a person who’s brave and charismatic. It’s a person that easily makes new friends and attracts people with their energy. Probably this person is spontaneous and impulsive, the one who acts immediately. If you’re reading a spread about yourself, the card can describe you as a confident person, who’s ready for attention from others and can act fast.

When it comes to health the card is a good sign that embodies vitality and strong health. You’re feeling perfect physically and mentally.

The Knight of Wands tarot meaning for finances indicates a good situation, probably, you’re about to receive a large amount of money earned from dedicated work you made. Well done! Don’t be afraid to spend this amount on a spontaneous trip as the cards recommend you to widen horizons. Investments in adventures and unique experiences are good for self-development, so don’t hesitate to take a chance. You deserve it!

Knight of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

Use your inspiration and energy for something else! Knight of Wands reversed signifies that you’re being inspired by ideas and upcoming projects. You truly believe in the success of something you’re about to begin. Knight of Wands tarot card meaning in reverse embodies genuine passion you have to something. You’re highly motivated and full of energy, as you plan to develop and widen your horizons. On the other hand, you may have no concrete project and your energy is looking for release. It’s time to start something even if you lack resources. It also may mean delays and waiting. Probably you have everything set for start but have to postpone. Maybe try something different and get back to initial ideas later. Everything will come your way as your current energy attracts positive changes. Don’t waste time and use this situation properly.

The Knight of Wands upside down for career indicates that you’ve lost the sense of direction. For example, you may look for a new job and have to try different options to realize what you want to do. Probably, you know the industry you like, but have no idea how to enter it. The card encourages you to look for options and start with a clear goal.

For love outcome the card indicates lack of commitment. If you’re single and looking for a partner, the person you sympathize with doesn’t consider long-term relationships at the moment.

When it comes to health, cards warn you to avoid risks and potentially traumatizing activities. You must be cautious with your physical condition.

For finances the card’s advice is to spend wisely as it indicates overconfidence that often leads to unnecessary spending. Consider making only inevitable expenses and avoiding risks. When we have financial security, we don’t anticipate any issues. However, the card in reverse warns that you might experience the financial losses.

Final Words on the Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Knight of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana. The card embodies fast energy, fiery spirit, movement, adventures, passion, magnetism, charisma and enthusiasm. The picture of the card symbolizes bravery of action in the form of a fearless and heroic knight who rides a horse.

In an upright position this card embodies bursting energy and excitement before beginning a new project. Ambition goals inspire and encourage you to act fiercely and be ready for risks. For love the card in this position indicates a charismatic and energetic individual who draws attention and easily attracts others.

Knight of Wands tarot meaning in reverse is a sign of stagnation and loss of direction. It’s when someone is full of energy and ideas but unsure how to start implementing these ideas in life. The card may also mean delays and postponed events.
We hope you enjoyed our Knight of Wands tarot guide! We wish you good luck!

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