King of Wands Tarot Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


leadership, confidence, vision, charisma, domineering, cruelty, arrogance, control, channeling energy, competency, comparison, wisdom, social success, self-doubt, big-heartedness, pride, self-expression, accomplishment, optimism, transformation, maturity, respect, honesty, legacy, influence, power hunger, tyrant

What Does the King of Wands Mean in Readings?

King of Wands is the card, which finalizes in the suit of Wands in a tarot deck. This Minor Arcana indicates vision, charismatic leadership, and self-confidence. As all tarot Wands symbolize fire and relate to creative expression, the King of Wands is also associated with this element channeling the fiery energy towards producing valuable things and making the World a better place.

We can say more about the King of Wands tarot card meaning as we look at the illustration on the card. If we recall the elements depicted on a previous Minor Arcana card, the Queen of Wands, we see some similarities. The figure is sitting on a large nice throne decorated with dancing lions which are symbols of pride, courage, and strength. The card is also associated with the Leo Zodiac sign. We also see loads of salamanders depicted on the throne and a real one sitting near the throne. An essential nuance we see in the picture is that salamanders are biting their tales signifying the end of a cycle. Salamanders can withstand intense heat and undergo complicated transformations. Hence, here it’s a symbol of help to a king in his leading role and friendship. The wand in a king’s hand embodies his ability to influence others and implement his vision into reality.
King of Wands is often present in a reading signifying the boldness and pure energy of a natural-born leader. People are happy to follow the vision of such personality. As the intentions such a person manifests are clear and align with the goals of others, his ideas find support and understanding.

King of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

People believe in you and your vision! The King of Wands is here to appreciate your ability to guide others toward the big picture that you created in your head. The main peculiarity of the King of Wands upright is that instead of working hard towards his creative ideas he’s more likely to delegate the execution to others. You find the strength is in motivating and inspiring people who entrust you to guide them towards common goals. You truly believe in your goals and people want to be a part of your ambitious and world-changing projects. If the card describes how someone feels about you it will be deep respect, trust, and alignment.

King of Wands in the upright position shows your mature attitude to a relationship and love. Past experience taught you that the fundamentals of a strong union are trust, respect, and common goals. It seems that you managed to build a relationship based on commitment and passion. Balancing self-respect and autonomy with the common vector of your couple helps you navigate through any challenges together showing happiness and harmony. The card indicates a powerful person whose intentions are good, however, he might be a bit aggressive in defending his vision.

King of Wands meaning for career is a sign of respect and stability at your workplace. You appear to be a well-recognized and valued expert in your industry.

When it comes to finances, the card’s message in an upright position is a sign that you managed to balance your earnings and spending. Your smart approach to money allows you to have savings and allow yourself to overspend sometimes hence you control the situation. By continuing such an adequate approach you will succeed.

King of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

Are you ready to lead? The King of Wands reversed indicates that you’re not feeling prepared for a leading role. Despite having a big vision and goals, you lack the skills to inspire others and encourage them to act. Probably, you’re overly doubting yourself and experiencing an imposter syndrome that doesn’t let you see that you already have everything to be in the leading role.

Often the card points at a personality who’s using their power to dominate. Being aggressive and arrogant as a person who must engage people in working together towards a common goal leads to failure. The card in reverse may show the situation where the desire for power beats the desire to bring positive change to the world.

King of Wands upside down for a love outcome shows an arrogant and pushy person. Maybe your partner’s being too bossy trying to convince you to follow their vision. However, if there are no such people around you, that card may indicate that your behavior has become too aggressive. We all want the best for our loved ones but consider being more polite and empathetic.

King of Wands meaning in reverse for career is a signal to prioritize your needs and passions. The card indicates that you want to find someone to guide you through success and point you in the right direction. But it’s only you who decides where your career goes. We are all individuals with different mindsets and aspirations, so blindly following someone’s vision can be wrong. Remember what are your current achievements and strengths and let your intuition guide you.

Final Words on the King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

In our King of Wands tarot guide, we provided an explanation of the culminating card of the suit of Wands. The main meanings of the card are charisma, leadership, confidence, and pure energy.

King of Wands upright is a symbol of an authoritative and charismatic personality, who motivates and guides others to follow their vision. If you’re in a relationship your union is strong. For career, the card uprights indicates a person as a recognized professional with a value in the field.

King of Wands tarot meaning in reverse signifies unreadiness to lead and encourage people. It may embody self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Also, the card upside down often indicates a power-hungry individual who’s arrogant and aggressive. It may show a person who’s being too bossy at work or in a relationship. For career, the card means that you’re capable of finding the right direction in your workplace or business without mentorship from others. Believe in yourself and trust your gut.

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