King of Swords Tarot Meaning: Upright and Reversed Positions


authority, morality, diplomacy, tyrant, abuse, integrity, ruthless, dishonest, cold, standards, dictator, controlling, rules, strict, selfish, laws, stern, power-hungry, irrational, dominating, logic, principles, routine, challenge, discipline, manipulation. awareness

What Does the King of Swords Mean in Readings?

The King of Swords is the Minor Arcana that finishes the suit of Swords. Since the Swords symbolize intellectual energy and the power of knowledge, the card indicates diplomacy, authority, integrity, high standards, and principles.

To make the King of Swords meaning clearer, we analyze the picture on this card. We see a figure of a man sitting on a large and beautifully decorated throne. The sword in his hands is double-edged and has a clear discretion of its point that gives us a vision that a man has power and authority. At the same time, it’s a ruler who is aware of his abilities and realizes the amount of power he holds. The man is wearing a beautiful dress colored blue symbolizing the high level of spiritual mutuality, growth, and awareness. We can spot the depicted butterflies in the picture as well. Since butterflies are known as symbols of massive transformations, we can say that the king on a throne is still on his spiritual journey.

In reading to define how someone sees you, the card indicates a powerful and authoritative figure of a man or a woman who influences many lives. King of Swords tarot meaning is understood better if you imagine this card as a personality. It will appear as a ruthless, controlling, and reputable person with enough power to set strict rules and standards. The card can indicate a person related to politics, laws, standards, governmental service, and so on.

King of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

You need to be fair in your judgments! The King of Swords upright indicates that you might have a responsible role and can influence others. As a person, it embodies an authoritative and controlling individual with high standards.

For love, the card indicates that your partner has a clear mind, big ambitions, and power. He’s very self-aware and doesn’t let emotions control him. It’s a person who makes their decisions based on logic, strategy, and rational thinking. If you get the card in a reading upright, you can count on respect and intelligence from the side of your partner. If you’re single, the card may mean that your standards are very high, and it’s not so easy for you to find a person who will meet your expectations. On the other hand, being in a relationship with you means reaching higher and being involved in a process of self-development, that can be a dream for many.

King of Swords meaning for career outcome the card indicates that you’re around people or a person who forces you to grow. It can be a boss whose standards are high, so to stay in your position you must work hard and be talented to meet these standards. It’s about challenges that make you better after you overcome them. If the card points at you, it means that you need to be active and a bit workaholic in this period to reach your goals. You can lead others and inspire them to become the best versions of themselves. Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. ©

When it comes to finances and money, the card shows that you require discipline and clear goals if you want to become financially independent. Advice from an experienced and authoritative person can help you become more thoughtful with money.

King of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Manipulative behavior will not work! The King of Swords reversed indicates a tyrant and dominating behavior that makes others feel awkward. The King of Swords tarot meaning in reverse is abuse, manipulation, and selfishness in their worst form.

In the context of love outcome and relationship, the card means that you or your partner behave incorrectly and risk ruining your union. The card in reverse means being too selfish to understand the other person. It may mean abuse and bullying from one of the partners. The card also indicates uncontrolled emotions and quick changes from aggression to coldness.

The card upside down for a career is a sign of using power for the wrong reasons, dominating, overcontrolling, and manipulating. It may indicate a person who has authority, probably a manager or a CEO with unlimited power. If you are running your own business, the card shows that you act selfishly and don’t consider the opinions of others in a team. The card may also mean that a person at your workplace is power-hungry and ready to do anything to reach the desired position in a company.

For finances, the card indicates that you prioritize your wants over needs and it leads to wrong decisions. Perhaps, you don’t have financial discipline and tend to overspend. Consider only making purchases that bring you value.

When it comes to health the card may indicate that your diagnosis requires several opinions. Probably, your doctor wasn’t very attentive to your testing results.

Final Words on the King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Swords is the final card in the suit of Swords that embodies authority, power, standards, and strict rules. The card is often present in a reading embodying concrete individuals. It can be rather a man or a woman who has control and influence.

In an upright position that card indicates a person who is protective and has high standards. If you’re in love with such an individual, you feel appreciated and a bit controlled, but in a good way. For career, the card points to the need to challenge yourself and push to the limits. Having high standards means reaching more. Perhaps, you will need advice about finances from a respected person who has power.

King of Swords meaning in reverse indicates tyranny, manipulation, and domination. It may mean having a partner who tends to abuse and dominate. The card indicates selfishness in its worst form.

We believe that our King of Swords tarot guide was helpful and meaningful. Good luck!

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