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King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


security, faithfulness, stability, empire, uncaring, disloyal, maturity, leadership, abundance, discipline, status, cold, principles, success, thriving, provider, corruption, being yourself, support, loyalty, uncaring, discouraging, instability, underqualified, gambler, ruthless

What Does the King of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

The King of Pentacles is the last court card among the suit of Pentacles. This Minor Arcana embodies success, leadership, providing, high status, and security. It symbolizes a mature, determined, and loyal individual with clear goals.

To read the King of Pentacles tarot meaning in general we take a closer look at the picture on the card. We see a figure of a respectable man sitting on a beautifully decorated throne. There are fruitful fields and gardens around him and a castle behind. All the symbols indicate his wealth, material stability, comfort, and success.

King of Pentacles meaning in general is to maintain discipline while pursuing a large goal. It is clear that to reach another highest level one must work on themselves and become better as a person. The card is an indicator of stability and valuable support. It can point to a person whose generosity and high status make the lives of his closest ones better and secure, as he’s a provider with a high level of self-control and discipline.

If you want to know how someone feels about you, the card may embody a person who’s oriented towards a long-term and committed union. On the other side, it’s possible that a person prioritizes career and focuses on material pursuits more than on relationships. In a yes or no reading, the King of Pentacles is closer to yes as it symbolizes the successful results of a hard-working process. In reverse, the positive outcome may be delayed and unexpected.

King of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

You’re successful in attracting wealth! According to the King of Pentacles upright you or someone in your circle is determined and generous. The card signifies worldly success, building an empire, and reaching a high social status. It is a sign of financial stability and wealth.

For love outcome, the King of Pentacles meaning is that you have found a generous partner who appreciates you as you are and supports you in all your initiatives. It’s a caring partner who is capable of providing and sharing his success. If you’re single, the card indicates your readiness for committed and long-term relationships where both partners have common goals and support each other.

When it comes to career the card embodies a supportive individual who’s resourceful and generous enough to become your protector and referee helping in your career. Your high level of self-awareness, attention to detail, diligence, and responsibility help you achieve great results. Anything you attend becomes a huge success be it a new position, investments, or a business venture.

It’s one of the best cards for finances as it indicates material achievements in entrepreneurship and career. The card embodies success that comes to you after a long period of hard work and believing in yourself. You’re at a long-awaited point in life where you feel stable and safe and can make people around you happy by sharing the best life treats with them.

In the context of health, the card indicates stability. You have no reason to worry about your mental or physical condition as you are strong and resistant.

King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

Do not take risks and don’t lose discipline! The King of Pentacles reversed is a sign that someone’s seem to lose their grip. One of the card’s meanings in an upside down position is losing your social status, failing to succeed, and making poor judgments that lead to instability.

The card may embody an individual who’s losing everything because of making unadvised decisions and risking everything. For example, gambling, cheating, or manipulating others. He may be over-obsessed with wealth and stubborn.

For love, the card signifies that even by reaching a high level of material stability we still may feel insecure in a relationship. The card often embodies a figure of a manipulative and unfaithful individual. It can be an older man or even a woman whose intentions are to take control of every step of their partner. Perhaps, they have the power to do it by manipulating their financial status.

In the context of career King of Pentacles meaning in reverse points at potential corruption issues. It may be a destructive person who undermines you at the workplace. The card may indicate a collapse of the business empire.

The card upside down describes your current situation with money as acceptable, however it could be better. It seems that your recent financial decisions were short-term-oriented and reckless. The card’s message is to stop blaming yourself and take it as a lesson in the current life phase. Next time when you have to decide about investments, consider long-term goals.

When it comes to health the card is present in a reading in reverse signifying that you are worried about your condition. Perhaps, you overthink small issues. Try to find a balance in life that will help you stay healthy and calm.

Final Words on the King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

In our detailed King of Pentacles tarot guide, we provided the main meanings of this Minor Arcana. The card embodies financial success, reaching high social status, prospective investments, and creating wealth. It’s a sign of generosity and discipline that combine to bring the greatest results and achievements.

In an upright position, the card embodies worldly success, empire, high status, and stable income. It also indicates a resistant person with strong health. It can be an embodiment of a mature, determined, and disciplined individual who knows how to reach success. It’s a good sign of love that indicates a strong union full of care, support, and financial security.

In reverse, the card may point at an individual who’s cheating, manipulating, and making reckless and unweighted decisions. He may be stubborn and obsessed with his social role and status. When it comes to money, you seem to be reckless and do not see the bigger picture. Your financial decisions are short-term oriented.

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