King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


balance, control, generosity, volatility, selfishness, manipulation, moodiness, morality, empathy, consistency, devotion, wisdom, advisor, unkind, cold, depressed, cheater, tolerant, married man, counsellor, charming, romantic

What Does the King of Cups Mean in Readings?

The King of Cups meaning as a court card among the Minor Arcana often points at a certain personality. If you describe this card as a person, it will be a generous and empathetic man with good self-control skills. It’s a person everybody finds comfortable to communicate and deal with.

More symbolism comes from the elements depicted in the card. We see a figure of a man seated on the throne. The man’s wearing a necklace with an amulet. The amulet looks like a fish which symbolizes emotional balance. We also see the water behind the man’s back and fish jumping from it. There is also a ship in the water. The symbols in the picture represent the emotional and material spheres of our lives. The meaning of the picture on the card is that one seems to balance his heart and head.

King of Cups points at the individuals who learned to control their emotions and learned about their nature. Self-control and self-compassion become valuable instruments to use on any occasion. If recently you might act impulsively and dramatize each stressful situation, now you’re aware of your internal state and can control it. The card is an indicator of a strong self-determination that results from hard work on yourself.

The card indicates one’s ability to approach problems diplomatically. It embodies a person who can meet negative impulses with a mature attitude and carefully deal with any sharp questions.

The King of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

You can handle it! The King of Cups tarot meaning is to keep on whatever it takes you emotionally. Probably you’re facing a situation that makes you stressed out. For example, it can be an unexpected confrontation. The card embodies the presence of all qualities needed to handle any sharp situation. It signifies a rare combination of sensitivity and ability to control emotions. In terms of any kind of leadership, the card shows a skill of creating and maintaining harmony among others while keeping them effectively involved in a certain activity.

When it comes to love and relationships, the card indicates balance. You seem to be in a union with a mature partner who is compassionate and emotionally available. At the same time wisdom and practicality you both have helped to build a strong union where the needs of everyone are fulfilled.

In an upright position, King of Cups meaning for career is finding a balance between your practical life and emotions at the same time. When we apply it to the workplace, it shows that you are good at handling conflicts with colleagues and don’t let emotions become an obstacle. You approach each situation with wisdom and respect others. For example, you might be a good mediator and comfort others guiding them to working solutions.

In terms of finances, the card indicates your ability to maintain a stable financial condition. You successfully balance the logical nature of purchases with the level of emotional fulfillment they can bring.

In this position, the card is a positive sign for your health. It symbolizes healing and maintaining your physical and mental well-being.

The King of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Seek the balance! King of Cups reversed signifies the inability to find a balance between the practical side of life and the emotional needs. It shows a lack of empathy and consistency. The card may point at the person in your life who tries to manipulate you. It may indicate that you’re trying to control yourself in some ways, but when you fail you tend to punish yourself and destructively behave. The card in reverse often embodies the need for guidance and compassion.

For love, the card upside down signals selfishness and manipulative behavior. Perhaps, it’s a person who has a well-developed emotional intelligence who uses it towards you. If you’re in a relationship, the card may also indicate the issues in your couple as you behave selfishly. You or your partner may feel the imbalance between you as the efforts you both put into your relationships are unequal.

In the context of a career, the card means a lack of fulfillment. For example, you might keep your present position only because you earn good money and don’t want to change. However, without passion, it’s hard to maintain a positive attitude in the long run. The card may also indicate a person who has influence at your current workplace. If it’s your manager, it seems that they may lack compassion and empathy which causes insecurity in others.

When it comes to finances, the card signals about impulsiveness and irrationality. Your financial behavior seems immature, You avoid planning spending and tend to make impulsive purchases. Probably, consider getting help from a financial advisor who can direct you towards financial stability.

In the context of health, the card shows significant risks related to the use of substances like alcohol or pharmacy. Perhaps, one tries to maintain a stable emotional condition in unhealthy ways.

Final Words on the King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The King of Cups is the Major Arcana which indicates balance, emotional maturity, generosity, and empathy. It can embody a personality that has a high level of emotional intelligence and comforts others with their presence and compassion.

King of Cups upright often shows that you’re facing a situation that evokes mixed and strong emotions. In times of turbulence, remember that you can handle and balance any situation. For love, it shows a happy union of nature individuals who can control their emotions and maintain healthy relationships.

In reverse the card indicates the lack of consistency. As court cards often indicate real people in your life, it may signify a manipulative person who has hidden intentions. When it comes to career, there can be a person who influences your emotional condition at the workplace by being a tyrant or incompassionate.

We hope you found our King of Cups tarot guide useful and interesting. We wish you good luck!

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