What Does the Four of Wands Mean in Readings?
Four of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana that is associated with fire. This card is read as the symbol of celebration, family gathering, reunion, joy, relaxation, and prosperity.
Four of Wands tarot card meaning is symbolically depicted through the elements we can see on the card. There are two figures – a man and a woman. A couple is dancing in front of the large beautiful castle handling welcome garlands. They seem to appear under the canopy of flowers standing on the four pillars (wands). It looks like a welcome party. The picture resembles the beginning of a celebration as we see more figures of people in the background. The symbolism of this picture is reunion and achievement. The elements in the card represent fulfillment and a relaxed atmosphere.
Four of Wands meaning is often associated with events and rituals. For example, traditional ceremonies for religious communities. Four of Wands is usually present to point out the importance of family gatherings. For example, organizing a surprise for elderly parents and visiting them together with your siblings for a family reunion during holidays.
The card often embodies the atmosphere of accomplishment after reaching a big goal. It’s time to celebrate and share your story of success with your closest people who will be genuinely happy for you.
Four of Wands Upright Meaning Explained
It’s a happy reunion! Four of Wands meaning in the upright position symbolizes a harmonious environment of a stable family. It’s that atmosphere of a home where you can relax and be yourself. The card signifies the period of balance and stability. If you’re considering making a surprise for your parents and coming home for the holidays to stay there for several days, it’s the right time to do so. The Four of Wands tarot meaning is a community spirit. Probably invite your closest circle to a nice dinner and spend time together, share laughs and stories, and experience the feeling of belonging.
The Four of Wands upright often embody ceremonies and traditional rituals. For example, it can be a family event that symbolizes the transit to a new role. It relates to weddings, childbirth, engagements, church ceremonies, and more. If you’re invited to some of such events shortly, expect to feel happy and welcome at these gatherings.
The card is a symbol of support and teamwork, it often embodies the community spirit. Hence, when you see this card in a spread for a career, it means that you are part of a strong team and surrounded by like-minded people at your workplace. For business owners, the card upright shows that they managed to create a proper atmosphere in their company when everyone is happy to do their job and impact the whole project.
For love, the card in an upright position symbolizes that your union has the support of your families and maybe even a larger group of people. For example, it can be a big engagement party where you invite friends, family, colleagues, and people from your community.
Four of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained
It seems like you lack harmony! Four of Wands reversed is read as the imbalance and tension between family or community members. The card in reverse is the sign that you seek support from the closest circle, but they are incapable of giving it to you right now in the form you need.
Four of Wands tarot card meaning upside down is not the best for love. If you already have a family, the card signifies the worsening of a relationship, when one or both partners start feeling insecure. You might even lose the understanding of how someone feels about you, experience instability, and feel unhappy. The cards are trying to tell you that you’re entering an unpredictable phase when anything can become an issue. The card upright often symbolizes postponed weddings, canceled celebrations, and issues with family reunions. The card as feelings indicates insecurity. If you’re single, but have hopes to renew the broken relationships with your ex, the cards are being quite pessimistic about this option.
For a career, the card upside down indicates a possibly toxic relationship with colleagues and an unhealthy work environment. The card upside down often means potential undermining at the workplace. If you are feeling that the atmosphere in the team isn’t good, it also can relate to informal gatherings. As the Four of Wands often relates to parties and celebrations, it could be an unpleasant situation you faced at an office party. The cards’ advice is to ensure to stay in formal relationships with colleagues during such gatherings and communicate moderately. It’s crucial to behave professionally.
Be restrained when it comes to finances. If you plan big purchases the 4 of Wands ‘yes or no‘ in this position indicates a no. It’s not the best time for overspending. Lack of financial planning may dramatically worsen the situation with money. Beware of reckless spending.
Final Words on the Four of Wands Meaning
The Four of Wands card is one of the Minor Arcana that symbolizes celebrations, family unions, ceremonies, stability, surprises, traditions, and prosperity. The card depicts a couple whose figures are dancing a happy dance in front of a large castle. More people are standing in the background. It seems like we’re looking at a welcome stage of a happy family gathering. Maybe it’s the welcome party before the main wedding day.
Four of Wands meaning in an upright position is that one is a part of a successful creative team at their workplace. If you own a business the card shows that you have a strong and motivated team. It also symbolizes a family circle or gathering of close friends. The card often symbolizes family holidays or important large celebrations like a wedding.
Four of Wands in reverse points at the need for moderate behavior with money. If you are reckless the outcome can be unpredictable. For career, the card symbolizes an unhealthy working environment. Probably your behavior during informal gatherings and office parties was too reckless.