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Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


rest, peace, recovery, sanctuary, loneliness, security, shelter, retreat, rejuvenation, self-care, burnout, break, anxiety, vacation, overwork, isolation, serenity, rebalance, solitude, crash, meditation, rehab

What Does the Four of Swords Mean in Readings?

The Four of Swords is the Minor Acana from the suits of Swords that is associated with Air. The main Four of Swords meaning is the need to rest and recharge after a draining battle. For example, after reaching an essential milestone in chasing your dream.

If we analyze the 4 of Swords meaning according to the picture on the card, we’ll see a knight with a sword beneath him who lies upon a tomb in settings that remind us of a church. The other three swords are hanging above the lying knight. We also see a woman and a child in a stained widow, perhaps they’re waiting for a knight to recover from the end of the fight and get back to them renewed.

The card is the next Minor Arcana before the previous one, the Three of Swords, symbolizing loss and heartbreak. Hence, the Four of Swords indicates the period of solitude and rebalance. We can’t say if the previous battle was lost or not, but we are definitely sure it was draining. In a yes or no reading, the card indicates a neutral answer, as the meaning is more about rest. However, in some cases, the card may mean yes.

Four of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

It’s time for recovery and rejuvenation! You deserve some space to lie down in peace and tranquility, as you were trying too hard. Stop for a while and let everything go. The world wouldn’t stop without your attention and efforts. The Four of Swords upright means that you should take care of yourself.

When it comes to career it’s crucial to realize your actual level of energy and motivation. Perhaps, you’ve overworked and require a break or a vacation. We are not robots, and burnout can happen to anyone. Even if you like your job, from time to time you need to distract yourself from it and seek balance in hobbies, networking, traveling, and other things you like. The card might indicate that you need a break immediately to prevent health issues. If you work in a company, speak to your manager and discuss what option you have.

For love and relationships, the card indicates exhaustion and the need to take some rest from communication with your partner. It’s not about a breakup but about the need to spend some ‘me-time’ to regain the balance in your union. For example, it can be a situation when you have a lot of free time at a current period, so you spend 24/7 together. Distance will refresh your feelings and give you energy. If you’re single, the card indicates you’re actively searching for communication and dating many people. Perhaps you need a pause to analyze what you want from a relationship.

The Four of Swords meaning for finances is that you should let your mind rest from money worries and distract from this topic for some time.

In the context of health, the card is a symbol of possible mental disorders that result from chronic stress and burnout. It may indicate the need to go to the hospital or stay in a rehabilitation center.

Four of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

Consider when it’s time to stop! The Four of Swords reversed signifies that you ignore the signals of your body to rest and proceed to push your way forward. If you try so hard, you risk draining all your energy. The situation may relate to anything in your life that involves your effort, including intellectual investments. For example, you might have a high-responsible and stressful job or spend loads of time and energy helping others. 4 of Swords tarot card meaning in reverse is about concentrating on your inner world and taking time for introspection.

The card upside down for a career means that you’re taking a break from intense work and it helps you to regain motivation. Perhaps, you experienced burnout that didn’t let you be productive. If some conflicts and failures in business were too painful to handle, now after rejuvenation, you can handle their impact much easier. The card recommends you take a break if you are still pushing yourself to the limits. Probably, you need to pay attention to the perspectives you have in terms of your current workplace and consider changing a job.

In the context of love outcome and relationship the card in reverse signifies that you and your partner need to spend time separately. Sometimes being alone for a while helps to refresh feelings and bring back the spark in your union. If you’re single, you probably were trying too hard to draw the attention of your crush. Let the situation go and stop putting so much pressure on them.

For finances, the card indicates improvements in your situation. Perhaps, you paid off debts or cut expenses that allow you to make savings and investments. Another option is that your loans are pressuring you and you require help. Consider using financial support from people who genuinely offer it.

Final Words on the 4 of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Four of Swords is the Minor Arcana that is associated with the element of Air. In our detailed Four of Swords tarot guide, we provided you with a summary of this card. The 4 of Swords indicate recovery, rest, sanctuary, peace, and isolation.

For love, the card in an upright position indicates that one’s dating many people and actively searching for relationships.

For a career, it’s a sign that you need to take a break and spend time outside the office to regain balance and feel motivated for work. When it comes to health the card means mental issues that may be caused by overload and stress.

In reverse, the card is present in a reading signifying that you’ve been putting too much pressure and effort trying to make your relationship or work project perfect. To maintain a healthy balance add some air into your efforts and let the situation flow as it goes.

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