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Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


stability, money, saving, possessiveness, security, resources, wealth, finances, greed, control, overspending, pricey lifestyle, safety, certainty, protection, giving, openness, boundaries, materialism, generosity, spending, jealousy, paranoia, frugality

What Does the Four of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

4 of Pentacles is one of the Minor Arcana. The card fully implements the materialistic nature of the Pentacles suit. The card embodies a singular fixation of wealth. It symbolizes finances, resources, savings, and stability.

4 of Pentacles meaning is clearer when we analyze the symbols in the picture. We see a man who’s sitting on the bench with a coin in his hand. The coin is tightly wrapped in the man’s hand. One more coin is on the man’s head, and two more coins are under his feet. We can consider that the man doesn’t want to lose any of these coins hence he’s sitting still. However his funds are safe, and the man’s actions are unlimited as he barely can move and can’t leave this place. The fear that someone’s taking his coins paralyzes him. He’s lonely, beyond the boundaries of a city, without anyone around. We realize that money is everything a man needs and wants.

Four of Pentacles meaning is the invitation to reconsider and analyze your attitude to money. Even if you have enough funds to cover your daily needs and pay bills, you may lack knowledge about effective investment. Probably, you save all your funds and don’t allow yourself to have fun. The card may also signify a fear of losing your wealth and the sense of security that comes with money. Your relationships with finances can tell a lot about your current situation and life goals.

Four of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

You managed to create wealth! Four of Pentacles upright is here to manifest your financial success. Since this card is one of the most materialistic in the tarot deck, you must consider it as a sign to examine your financial goals and behavior. If you have savings, it shows that you’re committed and can achieve goals. Proceed to work with the same attitude and you will ensure financial stability in the future.

When you see this card in a reading it may show that you assess your success by material objects. For you, it’s important to have a lifestyle that shows your financial abilities. Your goal is to buy goods that reflect your high status like an expensive car or a large house in a prestigious neighborhood. Do not forget that real wealth also includes free time to enjoy everything you have. If you have to work hard to maintain a lifestyle you possess it may look like a hamster wheel.

4 of Pentacles meaning for relationship and love is the need to create stability. It can relate to your mental condition as you might feel insecure or still have feelings for your ex. In existing relationships, the card in an upright position can show jealousy and possessiveness. If you do not try to resolve these issues, you may lose your relationships.

For career, the card upright means that your job is stable and rewarding, yet you still feel fear and insecurity. Perhaps, the problem is that you still haven’t gotten used to the new rules or work concepts. You may have doubts that you really are safe and can freely communicate with colleagues and share ideas without the risk they would be stolen from you.

Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

Let some frivolity in your life! The Four of Pentacles reversed appears to point at your concentration of funds. Being safe and secure with money is a great achievement. However, it seems that you’re becoming stingy and don’t allow pleasure. Money can’t be the only purpose of your life. Consider them more as an instrument to create a comfortable and exciting life for you and your closest circle. Sharing and generously giving is one of the ways to add value to your spending. Perhaps, you’re overconcentrated on buying goods, so consider involving some charitable projects or investing in experiences that will enrich your life with genuine emotions. The moments shared with the people you love is a great spending you will not regret. The card in this position signifies reevaluation of the place of funds in your life.

In the context of love, the card upside down is a sign that you start feeling stability and safety in your relationship accepting the imperfections of your partner. You realize that your union gives you a lot of protection. If you’re single, you are ready to open your heart.

Four of Pentacles meaning for a career may show that you strive for security and stability. Probably, you will see some chaos at your workplace. Maybe your job is risky by its nature, so you want to balance your life by creating a safe space. The card often indicates that you can’t avoid micromanagement and try to control everything.

When the card is present in a reading in reverse it is a sign that you start to allow yourself some unnecessary spending. You may also become careless and risky.

Final Words on the 4 of Pentacles Meaning

Our Four of Pentacles tarot guide provided the core meanings of this Minor Arcana. This card is one of the most materialistic ones in the deck. The Four of Pentacles indicates safety, wealth, security, possessiveness, and control.

In an upright position, the card signifies that you have earned enough funds to celebrate financial success. The cards say that you need to ensure you have stabilized your wealth and know what to do with your money. For example, you have a plan of savings and investment.

In an upside down position, the card means reevaluation of your goals and the role of finances in your life. It can also show that you are becoming careless when it comes to money. For career, the card signifies that you’re tending to micromanage and strive to feel safe. For love, the cards show that you feel secure in your union and accept your partner even if they are jealous for no reason.

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