Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


apathy, reflections, depression, absorption, daydreaming, fantasizing, acceptance, gratitude, focus, ungratefulness, boredom, stagnation, missed opportunities, disconnection, awareness, enthusiasm, frustration, cynicism, choices, anger, annoyance, grumpiness

What Does the Four of Cups Mean in Readings?

The Four of Cups is one of the Minor Arcana. The main lesson of this card is that life always gives you choices, but sometimes all you can do is adjust and accept the situation. The card may indicate that you are depressed or angry because of some events in your life, but in fact, its ungratefulness. The card embodies apathy, reflections, anger, annoyance, and cynicism.

Four of Cups meaning is encrypted in the picture on the card. We see a figure that looks like a man sitting under the tree. In the sky, we see a cloud from which a hand presents a nice cup to this man. Unfortunately, a person doesn’t seem to be happy with the offer. We see that three more similar cups are standing behind the man who didn’t touch them. The man looks grumpy and frustrated as if he doesn’t see any benefits of the cups presented to him.

It’s clear that the picture embodies the situation when one’s blind and doesn’t appreciate the blessings, gifts, and opportunities life gives them. From time to time we all reach the level of despair and pessimism that we start to doubt that life’s fair. Often, the card points at opportunities one doesn’t recognize. At first sight, the situation or an offer may look annoying or boring. The only way to realize the potential of opportunity is by trusting your intuition.

Four of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

Open up for the choices life gives you! Four of Cups upright signifies that you might feel angry and annoyed because of frustrating events in your life. It seems that nothing works out and luck doesn’t seem to go your way.

Four of Cups meaning in an upright position signifies a blessing in disguise. All you need to do is open up and accept everything that comes your way. According to this card, you need this situation to learn and realize something important. The card’s advice is to analyze what are the potential outcomes. If you do not accept what comes your way, you are risking missing essential opportunities and truly life-changing events. Be patient and listen to your gut.

For love outcome, the card means that whatever happens in your love life now, it’s the perfect timing for these events. For example, if you’ve recently broken up with someone you cherished and trusted with all your heart, you might feel depressed. But how would you feel if you found out your ex-partner was cheating on you? Exactly the opposite, right?

The 4 of Cups meaning upright for career, is a signal that you’re bored and stagnated. It seems that your job doesn’t satisfy you despite all the perks you have. To avoid spiraling into depression, you had better think over the reasons for your frustration and try to renew your motivation.

For finances the card points at overwatching how others succeed with their money. Why are you focused on others’ earnings rather than figuring out how to improve your financial situation? Jealousy of other’s wealth will not get you close to yours. Turn to your current situation, analyze your accounts, and consider new ways of making money.

For health, the card means disappointment about the current level of your physical and mental well-being. The cards recommend you do not focus on limitations because of health issues. Better appreciate what you can do and concentrate on recovery.

Four of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Focus and awareness are helping you! Four of Cups reversed signifies the deep connection with your sixth sense. The card embodies an intuitive understanding of what’s best for you right now. By being aligned with your intuition you feel safe.

4 of Cups tarot card meaning in reverse is about enthusiasm that is based on control over the situation. You are aware of all possibilities and predict potential risks. Such an acknowledgment leads to accepting what you can’t change and focusing on the present moment and realistic goals.

For love, the card in reverse means that you seem to recover from an unhappy relationship, probably overcoming divorce. Now you’re entering a new phase of life where you have absorbed the past painful experience and learned from it. The card signifies the beginning of a period when you’re focusing on your life and stop reflecting by taking action towards your goals.

Four of Cups tarot meaning upside down for career shows the long-awaited ending of a stagnation period. The changes are coming your way, so don’t miss the opportunities. However, you seem to have learned the previous lessons well and are ready to take action toward a dream position, accept a partnership offer, or take a chance and enter a new industry. The card embodies appreciation and gratitude for the gifts of life and focuses on what are the advantages of your current position and role in your career.

The card upside down is a good sign for finances. If recently you were financially insecure, the situation is normalizing. This betterment is happening thanks to your honest acceptance of destructive habits and consistent work to reduce them.

Final Words on the 4 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Our Four of Cups tarot guide provided you with an explanation and meanings of this Minor Arcana. 4 of Cups tarot meaning is about apathy, annoyance, boredom, and frustration. At the same time by listening to your inner feelings and intuition, you can see opportunities that life offers you in a disguise of disappointment.

In an upright position, the card shows that you’re risking missing opportunities by looking at the situation from only one angle – the position of disappointment. Sometimes frustrating events come to us as gifts in disguise. Take a closer look at the chances offered to you by a situation. Possibly, you’re being ungrateful. Remember that fantasizing about the way everything should be doesn’t let you see the whole picture and benefits you get.

In a reverse position, the card indicates that one’s managed to focus on positive outcomes and lessons of a frustrating situation. Indeed, we always have choices in life, but sometimes it’s about choosing acceptance.

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