Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


AggressionCompetitionConflictEnd of conflictAgreementCooperationCompromiseArgumentsPeaceHarmonyFightingRowsChaosTemperSportsFrustrationClashingControversyContestDisputeDebatesCompassion

What Does the Five of Wands Mean in Readings?

The Five of Wands is the Minor Arcana that is associated with fire as well as all Wands in a tarot deck. Most Minor Arcana with number five often point at disagreement and disharmony in relationships between people. Five of Wands isn’t an exception. When this card is present in a reading, it points to conflicts, arguments, competition, and aggression. At the same time when the card is in reverse, that’s a signal of the end of conflicts, peace, and harmony between everybody.

You can tell a lot about the Five of Wands meaning by looking at the picture. We see several figures of people who hold wands in their hands. However, the way these men are holding their wands looks like a conflict, it’s not really an aggressive fight. The figures don’t express much anger and adrenaline as they seem more relaxed than disputing. However, these five men definitely have a discussion that may lead to aggression or even a fight in certain situations.

In common meaning, the picture on the card embodies different forms of conflict in people’s lives. Often the card signifies problems in a community or in a small group. For example, it can be misunderstood because of a lack of communication. The card is often present in a reading when people are not attentive to others and can’t listen to the opposite side of a conflict to try to understand them. It’s like when people’s egos don’t let them even hear what other people are saying. Often the Five of Wands meaning is debates without aggression.

Five of Wands card is often associated with the defense of territory, it can be either in a figurative sense or in direct meaning. For example, an aggressive argument about some territories between neighbors.

Five of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

Disagreement is a type of normal! Since all fives in a deck are associated with conflicts, the Five of Wands upright is also a symbol of conflict and misunderstood. But let’s face it: people are often arguing as that’s how relationships are built! It’s in our nature – being egocentric and wanting to be seen and heard.

The card in this position may also point to your inner conflict. Maybe you’re going through a crisis, and need to figure out what’s happening inside you. Sometimes you have to argue with yourself to get a powerful insight.

Five of Wands tarot meaning when upright for career shows that you have strong competitors. If you’re a part of a specific industry like sports, marketing, or real estate, a competitive environment is common for your kind of job. However, for people whose position doesn’t assume permanent competition, the card may signify a temporary conflict at your workplace. If you’re finding yourself in a situation where you must defeat yourself to keep your job, decide is it worth it first.

For love and feelings, the card in this position is a sign of conflicts between partners. If you’re in a relationship, be attentive to what you are saying, even jokingly. The cards are asking you to avoid ambiguous phrases to prevent starting a dispute. If you’re single, but have a crush, you might have competitors who also want to win their heart. Do not be too pushy and avoid conflicts.

Five of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

You don’t have to agree with everything! The Five of Wands reversed is present in this position pointing at exhausting conflicts you’re trying to avoid. You might have an opposite opinion with your counterpart in any area of life. The cards tell you to realize that to solve any conflict you must enter it. Don’t hide from debates, don’t walk away from arguments. The card in reverse means a yes in a ‘yes or no‘ reading. You can turn a dispute into a productive conversation and get a win-win result. When people fight and dispute, they often become closer afterward. As they say, you can only know a person after an argument.

If you’re interested in love outcome, Five of Wands upside down points out that you’re avoiding conflicts with your partner by hiding your true emotions. Unfortunately, this tactic will eventually lead to a massive emotional collapse. Even if you do not fight, you will lose trust between you. If you treasure these relationships, speak about your concerns frankly and be honest. By clearing up all misunderstandings with your partner, you will experience the next level of intimacy.

The Five of Wands tarot card meaning in reverse for career is pointing at the existing conflict at your workplace that finally comes to its logical end. For example, you and your colleague had an open discussion and clarified all existing issues to make peace. Also, the card may embody changes in a job and transition to a collective with a healthier work environment. It’s a well-known fact that people are influenced by their surroundings, hence in a new group of friendly co-workers you are starting to feel more relaxed and comfortable.

For finance, the cards’ advice is to avoid conflicts about money, especially with your family. In some combinations with other cards, Five of Wands in reverse may point to an end of conflict with your finances. You’re about to enter a less turbulent phase with money.

Final Words on the Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

We are glad that you read our Five of Wands tarot guide and hope that you found the information in it interesting. The card is associated with conflicts, arguments, disputes, aggression, and controversy.

Five of Wands meaning upright signals an existing conflict. Do not forget that arguments and conflicts are natural and help to find compromise in all types of relationships. If you are in a relationship, avoid ambiguous phrases even said in a joking manner to not provoke conflicts with your significant other.

The Five of Wands upside down for a career may show the successful transit to a new workplace where you’re surrounded by positive and like-minded co-workers. For love, the card’s advice is to not hide your concerns and to not avoid disputes. By disputing, you can effectively solve any issue with your significant other.

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