Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


revenge, regret, failure, hostility, resolution, compromise, bullying, conflict, remorse, dispute, aggression, irritability, tension, intimidation, relief, breakup, forgiveness, sneakiness, sabotage, cheating, defeat, challenges, contempt, standing, canceled plans

What Does the Five of Swords Mean in Readings?

The 5 of Swords is the Minor Arcana which means regret, conflict, and revenge.

The card is often present in a reading signifying canceled plans, aggression, tension, and dispute. It can indicate frustration after a loss in battle.

Five of Swords meaning is clearer when we analyze the symbols and figures depicted on the card. We see several figures in the forefront and in the background. The one at the forefront is holding a sword in one hand and possessing two more swords with the other hand with a facial expression that seems to be calm and confident. The two other figures are in the background, they look like men who feel sad. Since these two aren’t holding swords in their hands, we can consider that the man on the forefront won the fight as two more swords are beneath his feet. The other important point is that the sky is grey, which seems to be a sign that things are still not working out. The fight is over, but the war isn’t.

If you want to know how someone feels about you, the Five of Swords tarot card meaning is struggles and bad intentions. The other side may have hidden intentions, and there is a chance of trouble between you. For example, it may indicate cheating, bullying, or feelings of resentment that come after agreeing on something you didn’t support. In a yes or no reading, the card indicates a no and symbolizes defeat.

The Five of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Be careful to prevent conflicts! However, the situation doesn’t seem to be easy and uncloudy, you are navigating it with courage and grace. The Five of Swords upright means that despite issues and struggles, you can handle everything thanks to your mastery of compromises. Canceled plans and unpredictable circumstances can drive anyone to the limits of tension, but if you stay calm you rule. Yes, this battle might be lost, but keep going and win more battles.

For career, the card means that you are experiencing intimidation and bullying at the workplace. Perhaps, your colleagues are sabotaging you and trying to make you leave the company. It can also mean conflict with managers as well as can be a sign of poor leadership. Another meaning of the card is that it can point at the condition of self-victimization and make you delusional about the real attitude of your work peers toward you and your ideas.

In the context of love, the card indicates potential conflicts that can become an issue for the future of your relationship. Try to communicate openly with your partner to prevent the worsening of a situation if you treasure your union.

For finances, the card in an upright position means that some people might try to take advantage of you when it comes to money. It looks like someone’s willing to take more from you than they owe. It’s an indicator of possible conflicts around finances. Be cautious about money and agreements with your friends, colleagues, partners, and family members. Check everything twice and ensure no one’s playing you.

5 of Swords meaning of health is that you must take care of your condition. It seems that your body is exhausted and requires good nutrition and reducing bad habits like consuming substances or drinking.

The Five of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

You can forgive and move on! Five of Swords meaning in reverse is that now you have the will and the power to move on after heartbreaking and frustrating events that recently took place in your life. It signifies a period of reconciliation, forgiveness, and coping. You can be open with people you have conflicts with and freely discuss everything calmly and without aggression. It will help you to let go of the situation and leave the conflicts behind.

The Five of Swords reversed is an indicator of an ability that old wounds are re-opened and these flashbacks about how you’ve been hurt make you afraid to act.

In the context of love outcome and relationship, the card signifies the desire to make up with your significant other after a hard conflict. You two want to stop fighting and find compromise and reconciliation. Perhaps, you are going to end relationships as you will not find a common ground. It may also be rejected to enter a potential relationship because of unresolvable conflicts. You realize that this union will bring you more pain and struggles if you will delay the ending.

For career, the card indicates the period of moving on after ending a conflict. It’s a chance for peaceful solutions and finding compromises after prolonged disputes. However, there’s still a risk of discovering hidden motives, for example, revenge or unveiling some other unpleasant truth about the sides of a conflict.

The card upside down for finances means ending conflicts about money. If recently you were surrounded by people who tried to use your finances, they are leaving you.

When it comes to health the card means that you should work hard to leave behind destructive habits and implement new strategies to maintain your body and mind. You are ready to start a healthy lifestyle.

Final Words on the 5 of Swords Meaning

The 5 of Swords is the Minor Arcana from the suit of Swords. The card means failure, regret, tension, aggression, and sabotage. In an upright position, the card means that you need to take care of your health and reduce the negative influence of bad habits. It also indicates potential conflicts with your family and colleagues.

In reverse the card indicates issues in love life and relationship. Conflicts and disputes with your partner are draining you both and you want to stop them and try to rebound. However, there’s a chance that you will not be able to do it, as you will fail to reconcile.

We hope that our Five of Swords tarot guide was interesting to read and gave you insights. Good luck with your tarot readings!

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