Five of Pentacles Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


hardship, disgrace, loss, struggle, recovery from loss, forgiveness, alienation, isolation, loneliness, illness, depression, unpaid loans, outcast, debt, bankruptcy, despair, worry, spiritual poverty, divorce, bad luck

What Does the Five of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

The Five of Pentacles is the Minor Arcana that represents changes in a situation becoming worse. The fives in tarot relate to the power that can be a prerogative of people who can make others dependent. Fives also represent conflicts and isolation. In the suit of Pentacles, the five deal with the materialistic world. Financial challenges, lack of stability, isolation, and disgrace are among the main meanings of this card. It’s about painful but powerful lessons one can use to grow in the future.

Five of Pentacles meaning are clear from the scene depicted on the card. We see two human figures who are walking outside during the snowfall. They are barefoot and one of them covers the other with a shawl to help them walk. Their appearance translates to sickness, hunger, and poverty. These people are struggling to earn at least basic necessities such as food or a place to sleep on this cold and showy night. They lack a feeling of safety and comfort. Behind these people, we see a building that looks like a church or a cathedral. The five coins are seen in the stained glass window.

The picture on the card symbolizes loss, struggles, disgrace, and hardships. However, some people consider the presence of this card a negative sign, a lot depends on other cards in a reading and the type of a spread.

Five of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

You can face hardships with grace! The card indicates that you’re losing or might soon lose something significant in your life. When the Five of Pentacles upright is present in a reading it symbolizes loneliness, illness, or poverty. It often signals that your material and social status will get much worse soon.

For love, that card means being frustrated and despairing. Loneliness and isolation make you feel like you will be alone forever and will never find your second half. Nothing helps you to regain optimism and motivation. It feels like you’re drowning. If you have a significant other, the same feelings of loneliness can surround you in your union as well. You both may experience communication issues, feel insecure, and reject sharing. If you want to stay together, try to work on it and go through the hardships hand by hand. There is a brighter side, you only need to get there.

5 of Pentacles meaning in an upright position for career indicates that others might treat you like an outcast at work. It indicates that you’re close to losing your job or getting a sufficient salary decrease. Additionally, an unhealthy atmosphere at your workplace may affect your mental condition and cause depression. It seems that you’re starting to spiral down and only changing the job will help you avoid the worst outcome.

In the context of finances, the card is present in a reading in an upright position to say that all your debts will soon pay off. Even if you don’t have the resources to pay, your past mistakes will get you. If you still can sort out your finances, do it immediately to prevent massive losses. The card’s message for health is to take care of yourself and do a checkup. Even if you don’t feel bad, there is a risk that you need to get treatment.

Five of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

There’s a light at the end of the tunnel! The Five of Pentacles reversed shows that there’s a revelation coming to your life soon. The changes are happening, and you notice them. However, the card isn’t a magic wand that will make all your struggles disappear, this is a clear sign of betterment. For example, it may signify first good news that are hints on your soonish recovery from a long illness. You can be sure that when this card appears in reverse, you will get back your status, wealth, business, relationships, and other significant elements of happiness.

Pay attention to the fact that the changes for the better will not happen in one day. You’ll need patience to wait till the situation will normalize. But now you can be sure that everything will work out the best way for you.

For love and relationships, the card upside down indicates that you’re starting to slowly recover from a period of loneliness and frustration. You are ready to believe in love again. If you’re single, the card indicates your readiness to start actively communicating, make new connections, and freely open before other people.

The 5 of Pentacles tarot card meaning in the context of a career, is a symbol of issues you’ve been recently going through at your workplace. For now, there is a way to overcome struggles as you are starting to fix the situation. Probably, it means that you have found another stable and rewarding job, so you can leave the struggles behind now. If you don’t see the way out of a situation, look for better opportunities.

Final Words on the 5 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Our detailed Five and Four of Pentacles tarot guide provided you with the main meanings of this card. This is the less wanted card in the deck, as it symbolizes losses, struggles, isolation, depression, and debts.

In an upright position, the card signifies despair and loneliness, as you might think you will never find love. However, now you might feel pessimistic that this period will pass. For career, the card indicates struggles and hardships. You are more likely to lose your job or get an offer that will not meet your expectations.

The card in reverse signifies that there is a way to get out of this situation, and soon you will find out how to pay off your debts and get rid of depression. For career, the card indicates that you’re starting to recover from the period of hardships. Probably, you’ve found a new better job that brings you fulfillment and proper income.

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