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Eight of Wands Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


energy, speed, action, progress, admiration, jumping in, obsession, excitement, surprises, holiday, travel, movement, slow progress, positivity, infatuation, lack of speed, passion, lack of energy, panic, impatience, slowness

What Does the Eight of Wands Mean in Readings?

Eight of Wands is the Minor Arcana that is associated with fire as all Wands are. The card embodies speed, action, progress, movement, and energy. The card is present in readings to signify infatuation, positive attitude, and admiration. The meaning of the card is a successful outcome and finding the right solutions fast.

Eight of Wands tarot card meaning is read from the picture on it. We don’t see any human figures depicted on the card. Instead, eight wands are moving in the air at a high speed surrounded by a clear sky. There are no obstacles for the wands as they fly. We also see a river in the picture. It seems that the wands have traveled a long way and will reach their destination soon.

Eight of Wands often appears in a reading to point to the happy ending of the turbulent period. One finally sees the right direction and knows how to get there. The period of disappointment is ending. It’s time to embrace the phase of fruitful events. Perhaps, you receive important news or get essential information that will change the situation for the better.

Spiritually, the Eight of Wands card indicates psychological maturity and growth. The past version of yourself would take too many things personally when the new you is evolving and radiates positivity. It shows that a person learns to maintain stability even during times of turbulence. The card often points to the return of positive energy and optimism into one’s life.

Eight of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

It’s time for pleasant surprises! Eight of Wands upright signifies sudden progress and positive growth. The situation will change for the better. You’re ready to enter a new phase of your life and proceed with your journey in a new role applying previously gained insights. In this position, the card is often present in spreads signifying excitement and fascination.

Eight of Wands meaning in an upright position for a love outcome is a positive sign. Your love life is full of surprises and romantic gestures. Probably, you are flirting with your crush and expect to begin a relationship in the future.

If you’re in a relationship, the card embodies a bunch of joyful and exciting events, gifts, and surprises from your partner. Probably, you’re planning some romantic gestures or a trip together. The card means that you’re in a committed and comforting relationship. It seems that you’ve overcome the times of crisis and entered a new level of support and intimacy in your couple.

For career, the Eight of Wands in an upright position symbolize the positive changes that are coming your way. If you were expecting to get answers to your request related to an important project, the positive outcome would be here soon.

For health, the Eight of Wands means quick recovery, successful rehabilitation, or injury treatment. It also can point to a person who’s in good shape and being physically active. In some spreads the card shows medical urgency and the need for fast treatment.

Eight of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

It seems that you’re slowing down! Eight of Wands reversed embodies slowness, lack of progress, and low energy. You are waiting for a good sign or change, but they are still on their way.

Eight of Wands tarot meaning in reverse for love embodies a short holiday romance that soon will end leaving you frustrated. The card in this position often shows that you might be obsessed with the wrong person. If you’re in a relationship, the card signifies a lack of passion and energy. There’s no spark in your union. You and your partner lost inspiration and did not bring a lot to the table to maintain a positive vibe in your relationships.

For career, the Eight of Wands in this position shows that you’re overwhelmed and probably stagnating. Perhaps, you have too many responsibilities now because in the past you didn’t have enough courage to stand up for yourself and reject unnecessary changes. The card often symbolizes quick career growth. For example, you might have been recently promoted, and your new position is too hard for you. The cards’ advice is to manifest positive outcomes. You can handle it with patience.

When it comes to finances, the card in reverse is associated with speed. Probably, you’re making decisions about purchases quickly. The card may also show that you get money quickly but spend it fast as well. Being mindful of your financial situation and keeping records is crucial.

For health, the Eight of Wands tarot card meaning upside down points at the low activity that often leads to a lack of energy. Perhaps, you stopped visiting the gym and don’t even walk enough steps per day. Remember, that our physical and mental condition are aligned. If you want to stay optimistic and creative, you should maintain a regular exercise regime and discipline. The card may also show that someone’s recovery process is slowing down or points to a prolonged, chronic illness.

Final Words on the Eight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

We hope that our Eight of Wands tarot guide helped you to understand the key meanings of this Minor Arcana. The main interpretations of this card include energy, speed, passion, obsession, movement, admiration, and progress,
Eight of Wands meaning upright shows rapid movement and growth. For love, the card shows the beginning of a joyful period full of pleasant surprises. If recently you experienced hardships as a couple, it seems like you have overcome all obstacles. Your union is stronger than ever now.

In reverse, the card signifies low energy and loss of spark between partners. For example, it could show a couple in long-term relationships who are bored and frustrated within their union. For career, the card shows that someone’s feeling exhausted because of too many responsibilities at their job. It can also be a sign that one was recently promoted and feeling overwhelmed with a new role.

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