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Eight of Swords Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


helpless, restricted, anxiety, negative thinking, freedom, trapped, fear, imprisonment, release, surrender, victimized, stress, new perspective, survival, dilemma, drama, punishment, crisis, powerless, consequences, constraint, hesitation

What Does the Eight of Swords Mean in Readings?

The 8 of Swords is a Minor Arcana related to the suit of Swords. Generally the Swords in tarot embody the element of Air and are associated with intellect, free will, and the power of self-reassurance. The general meaning of the 8 of Swords is feeling helpless and trapped without attempts to change this condition. It can happen when a person doesn’t believe in their subjectivity which empowers them to change their attitude and act towards a positive outcome.The card indicates that believing in your power and talents is crucial to win.

The Eight of Swords meaning is clearer if we look at what’s depicted on the card. We see a figure of a woman on her knees. A lady is inside a trap made of eight swords and blindfolded. The surroundings look minimalistic leaving no space for creativity, and the cloudy sky signifies sadness and drama. We see that the trap isn’t completely closed so if a woman would take the folds from her eyes she will see the way to escape it. She prefers to stay in the unreal trap without trying to do something to save herself.

8 of Swords meaning is the need to manifest positive situations, self-reassurance, and courage to change. In a yes or no reading, the card means yes. However, there is a condition that a positive outcome is only possible by consistent actions and an optimistic mindset.

Eight of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Actions make sufficient changes! If you feel anxious and trapped, you don’t have to keep suffering. Probably, recent events made you frustrated and forced you into negative thinking, but it’s up to you to decide what to do next. The Eight of Swords upright means that everything depends on you.

For love, the card indicates that you feel stuck and trapped in your current relationships. Perhaps, you’re getting into a crisis or problematic situation. To stop feeling helpless and victimized you have to take an active position. Stand for yourself, defend your values and beliefs, and show your boundaries. Your proactiveness will reveal the true intentions and attitude of your partner.

Eight of Swords meaning in an upright position for a career indicates anxiety and dependence on your current job. Probably, you can’t see other options and try to accept things that don’t satisfy you at your workplace. For example, you might dream about your own business but have no resources to quit your job and start your own project. You may want to change jobs but lack other offers and savings to take a gap time and gain the connections and knowledge you require. The cards’ advice is to be more optimistic and proactive. Your worries and fears may cloud existing opportunities. Changes will come if you start acting. Analyze your surroundings, find additional sources of income, cut expenses, and ask for help from friends, and the solution will come.

In the context of finances, the 8 of Swords tarot card meaning is that you’re too worried about your current resources. Your bank account is at the center of your attention, and you’re struggling to stop overthinking and dramatizing. Act to change the situation and your perspectives. If you need more income, there are many alternative ways to make money. Think over your possibilities and skills and consider monetizing them.

Eight of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

You’re ready to take responsibility for your life! The Eight of Swords reversed signifies that you’re entering a phase of self-control and maturity that helps you successfully resolve any issue. If recently you were very anxious and felt trapped, now you regain confidence and act with a cold mind. Nobody will save you, only you have the power to do it.

The meaning of the card in reverse is a good sign of love and relationship outcome. Thanks to your dedicated self-improvement and fearless approach to life, you are realistic about your relationship. Neither anxiety nor fear have any more power above you. You stand for yourself and realize what outcome you can get if you stay in this union. If you’re single the card is a sign that you are clear about your values and desires in relationships.

When it comes to career the card may have several meanings. It often shows clarity about the new opportunities. For example, a new position that helps to realize all your potential. However, the Eight of Swords tarot meaning in reverse can have another interpretation for career, indicating that you barely believe in a positive outcome and don’t see your potential opportunities. For example, if you were struggling to find a job for a long time, you might draw on pessimism and stop trying.

In the context of finances, the card indicates that one has too much anxiety about issues with money and can’t start working on improvement of the situation. Another meaning could be that after a long period of worries and negative thinking, one’s being realistic about finances and starts to work towards clear goals.

Final Words on the 8 of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The 8 of Swords is the Minor Arcana that indicates fear, anxiety, feeling victimized, and negative thinking. On the other hand, the card is the manifestation of one’s inner power to change.

In an upright position, the card means that breaking the negative pattern is easier than you think. By acting and positive manifestation of your dreams and goals, you will reach anything. In the context of your career, the card indicates that you’re worried about issues at your current job position, but don’t try to find another job. You feel helpless and anxious.

In reverse, the 8 of Swords meaning normally depends on other cards in a spread as it can have opposite interpretations. For example, one’s readiness to act and change the unsatisfying situations in their life.

We hope that you found accurate information in our Eight of Swords tarot guide. Good luck!

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