Eight of Pentacles Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


perfectionism, skills, artistry, self-development, high standards, tuition, mastery, uninspired, professionalism, craft, education, practice, no motivation, focus, diligence, work, security, laziness, bad reputation, passion

What Does the Eight of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

The Eight of Pentacles is Minor Arcana. Since eights in tarot are described as cards of action, and the suit of Pentacles relates to materialistic aspects of life, it’s about perfecting skills and working towards visible results. It’s all about work and studies, as this card is a symbol of constant practice.

We can get the Eight of Pentacles meaning by looking at what’s depicted on the card. In the picture, we see a figure. It looks like a young man who’s sitting on the bench and working. He’s hammering coins to engrave pentacles on them, and five of them are ready hanging near the bench. Another two coins are laid next to the man, and the last is still in the man’s hands as he seems to dedicate a lot of time and effort to etching the picture. We can say that he’s alone and concentrated on his task mastering the skill with each ready coin. He tries his best to be a professional and avoids distractions focusing solely on the decorating process.

Broadly the 8 of Pentacles meaning is about working towards big and little improvements to change your current situation. Perhaps, one’s attention to each detail of a bigger picture equals their vision of a happy life. Some elements of a successful and fulfilled being are missing, and only hard work and dedication can bring impactful results.

The energy around this card is positive as it shows that one knows what actions to take in order to increase their confidence and fulfillment in life. It can relate to any area from career to relationship.

Eight of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

Continue self-improvement! The card in an upright position indicates the process of hard work toward self-developing. You have clear values and want to become a better version of yourself. By continuing dedicated work you will achieve your goals. The card’s message is to keep going even if you still don’t see any results.

The card indicates repeated actions that make the result perfect. It’s about creating success by being consistent and persistent enough to not give up on yourself.

Eight of Pentacles upright for love outcome is a sign that you consider love as a set of actions to develop your union, get to know your partner better, and become a better partner yourself. You cultivate curiosity and patience as you believe these qualities help you build relationships, and you’re right! It’s about learning more about yourself and your significant other and accepting each side of them with compassion and understanding.

When the card is present in a reading about a career it signifies that one has found joy at work. It indicates the period of business and active engagement in goal-oriented activities. It’s also about a clear plan of action when you take one step at a time and achieve success. You are very likely to reach a new level of skills, certification, and improve your performance as a professional.

In the context of finances, the card is a sign of slow improvement of your financial status. If recently you made some clever moves to earn and save more money, you are starting to feel more confident.

If you’re working on developing healthy habits and going to the gym, you’re doing well. The message of the card when it comes to health is to stay on the same regime you had before.

Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

Show your dedication! The Eight of Pentacles reversed indicates the need to be proactive when it comes to actions. It’s not the time to take risks but also not to stay passive. If you want to at least stay at the existing position you have to work very hard.

When it comes to finances you seem to rely on luck and believe that everything will come your way. You can only change your current financial status by hard work and consistent actions. Without a clear plan, your dreams will stay only your fantasies. Get ready to work towards your goals and don’t be careless about spending.

In the context of love and relationship outcome, the card upside down indicates potential issues in your union. Probably, you and your partner want only to enjoy the romantic phase and forget about the other side of any relationship. Sooner or later you face the need to solve conflict, look for compromises, and work on self-development if you want to be together.

8 of Pentacles tarot card meaning in reverse for career is about the need to show your bosses or clients your dedication and motivation to work. It’s not the time to reject tasks or complain about overload. Enthusiasm, intelligence, and diligence must become your companions to survive the turbulent period.

For health, the card in reverse indicates that you might be too focused on your physical appearance. Perhaps, you use an unhealthy diet to get skinny or work hard in the gym. Be aware of balance in your exercises.

Final Words on the 8 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana that symbolizes perfectionism, high standards, and self-improvement. The card is all about work and actions.

In an upright position, the Eight of Pentacles signifies the need to put effort into what you believe in. For love, it indicates that you realize the importance of working on yourself and your relationships. When it comes to a career, your hard work brings success. For example, you can reach a new level of certification or develop a new professional skill.

In reverse, the card shows that you might be in illusions about finances. Perhaps, you believe that you’re lucky enough to get everything you deserve, but without hard work and dedicated actions, you’re not getting anywhere.

We hope that you found our Eight of Pentacles tarot guide detailed and useful information. Good luck with your tarot readings!

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