Eight of Cups Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


escapism, courage, fatigue, self-discovery, withdrawal, introspection, loneliness, traveling, abandonment, monotony, stagnation, low self-esteem, avoidance, letting go, change, vacation, fear of change

What Does the Eight of Cups Mean in Readings?

8 of Cups is the Minor Arcana, a part of the Cups suit. The Eight of Cups meaning is mainly self-analysis and looking for the truth. It often indicates traveling and starting adventures. In some readings, the card is a symbol of loneliness and introspection.

By analysing the picture on the card one can say a lot about the Eight of Cups tarot card meaning. We see a figure that leaves behind the eight cups. Probably, spending time and working to collect these golden cups was exhausting, and now there is no sense in carrying them forward. Maybe, this figure in the picture realizes that previous values and purposes don’t serve them anymore. So it’s time to embark on a new adventure. The unknown is calling.

The symbolism of the 8 of Cups meaning is abandonment and escapism. Instead of dealing with issues and frustrating situations, you prefer walking away from them. In some ways, such decisions require courage, as often you leave behind something important and walk toward the unknown. It also often means staying in a bad situation even if it makes you sad.
The card indicates self-growth and transformation as if you compare yourself to a beautiful butterfly that reborns from a caterpillar. Through constant changes, we get closer to life’s wisdom and realize our true calling.

Eight of Cups Upright Meaning Explained

It’s time for transitions! Eight of Cups upright signifies the need to walk away from concepts, values, places, and people that don’t align with you mentally and don’t help you grow. Choosing yourself is the best strategy for all life scenarios.
Eight of Cups tarot is often about the need to change as current scenarios don’t fit your views and purposes. You realize that your true self needs something different, and are ready to start it all over again in aim to rediscover yourself. The card indicates readiness for changes even if it means leaving all you have already achieved behind.

When it comes to career, the card says that your current work position seems to be very stressful or draining. Probably, that’s the specifics of your industry, and you get enough rewards from your job. Taking a break and distracting from your responsibilities can be enough to feel energized again. Also, the card may signal that your job doesn’t serve your purposes anymore. If you realize that you have overgrown your position, search for options to change the situation. Maybe there’s something better waiting for you right behind the corner.

In the context of relationship and love the card indicates the need to reassure yourself that the current situation in your love life fulfills you. Are you sure you want to be with this person for the rest of your life? Are you ready to marry them, and bear children with them? The fear of loneliness and social expectations often force us into unions that don’t make us truly happy. If your relationships don’t seem to excite you and force you to grow, you need the courage to admit it and walk away.

Eight of Cups Reversed Meaning Explained

Don’t be afraid of changes! Eight of Cups reversed signifies stagnation and monotony. Yes, the future is unknown and might be frightening, but sticking to a situation that makes you unhappy is much worse! What if the upcoming changes will be for the better? Even if you are used to some people and routines in your life, the overall context of a situation might be bad. The card often indicates a lack of self-esteem and emotional maturity.

When it comes to love, the 8 of Cups meaning in reverse means that despite your efforts, the existing relationship doesn’t serve you anymore. Probably, you’re afraid that you will never meet someone else or cannot finish something you invested in for so long. If you are sure that there’s a chance to make it work, take time to consider all outcomes and clear your head.

For career, the card upside down signifies that you don’t get joy and satisfaction from your job anymore. The Eight of Cups is present in reading to show you existing options and encourage you to follow your vision of a dream job. Changes are frightening, but the only way to have a fulfilling career.

For finances, the card in reverse indicates that money is the only thing that makes you stick to your current job position. The fear of losing a stable income makes you hold on to a job you have overgrown or dislike. It can also be a business that doesn’t satisfy you anymore.

When it comes to health, the card indicates that you’re harming your physical condition. For example, have unhealthy eating habits or force yourself into sleep deprivation. Reconsider your attitude to health and make changes in your daily routine. Probably add some morning exercises, quit smoking, or reduce the consumption of junk food.

Final Words on the 8 of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

Our Eight of Cups tarot guide provided you with a comprehensive explanation of the card meanings. In an upright position, the card indicates that it’s time to leave behind all that doesn’t serve you anymore. Outdated beliefs, old concepts, stagnating relationships, draining jobs, anything that holds you back and takes your energy away must go. For work, the card indicates that you’re exhausted and drained at your current job position. Probably you need to change the industry or maybe you just need a vacation.

The card upside down indicates that you aren’t taking enough care of your health. Reconsider your routine and add more healthy activities to your daily schedule to prevent issues and become physically strong. In the context of love and relationship outcome, the card in reverse means that you’re considering leaving your partner. It may be sad to say goodbye to something that is familiar and holds a place in your heart, but only by leaving this union behind, you will grow.

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