Guide to Do a Yes or No Tarot Reading
Much has been said about asking tarots yes or no questions. The trick is that we all know the science behind this ancient practice: it offers in-depth insights and advice on all aspects of life. But…what if all you need is a fast, simple, and clear yes or no answer right here and right now? What if you don’t need scientific explanations for philosophical reflections but a short statement that will finally give you peace of mind? The good news, there is something that you can do. Just make sure you know how to do a yes or no tarot reading. Even if you’re not a tarot guru, this quick guide might help you as you go.
Is It OK to Ask Yes & No Questions?
A lot of tarot practitioners seriously question the accuracy of such practice. The problem is that the nature of these questions can take away the richness of what the cards are going to tell you. After all, the best thing about tarot is that it shows you more than you can see. While you focus solely on the situation, cards reveal what is under the surface, the influences, and all the issues that might surround a particular situation. In the case of yes and no questions, you might end up feeling quite unsatisfied with the unexplored.
If you still feel like the yes and no tarot reading session is what you need at the moment, the tips below will help you conduct it properly.
Intention Comes First
Before you start, think about your question. It must be clear because the yes and no reading session is more fruitful when the inquiries are straightforward. Do not come with multi-layered or complex questions. Instead, go with something like, “Is my current relationship right for me?” “Will I enroll in the college I have applied for?” “Should I change my apartment?” and so on. As you can see, these questions are simple and clear, so do the same.
Pick the Method That Works Best for You
The methods vary, but we did some homework for you and listed the most popular options for performing the yes or no tarot readings.
- Upright or reversed card? When you’re ready to ask the question, take the cards and shuffle them. Now, pull one card. Is it upright? If yes, the answer is yes. In case the card is reversed, take it as no.
- Indicate cards for positive, negative, or neutral interpretations. To determine the answer, you have to pick cards for the yes, no, or maybe answer. For example, you can use cards like The Star or The Sun to indicate yes. At the same time, Ten of Swords or The Tower might suggest no. Finally, maybe might stand behind the neutral cards.
- Major or Minor Arcana? Scuffle cards and pull one card from the deck. If the card is from the Major Arcana, consider it the yes answer. If the card comes from the Minor Arcana category, it’s no.
Say No to Clarification Cards!
There’s no doubt you’re going to be tempted to draw more cards to clarify the message you received from the spirits. However, all you will end up with is more doubts and confusion about the original card. Based on the experience of many practitioners, you should only pull an extra card if the original one was the maybe answer.
Be Specific about the Time Frames
More often than not (especially if your tarot reading skills leave a lot to be desired), you ask questions and receive cards’ answers, leaving you in the middle of the “What the hell is going on?” question. The problem here is that you failed to be specific in your inquiries.
Here’s the thing. If you ask tarot cards to tell you if you will see again the woman that you like, you will most likely get the yes answer. However, what you actually (let’s face it) meant was, “Will I be in a romantic relationship with this woman?”. That is why the answer might be yes because chances are you two will meet; however, you will not do that as a couple (that you actually hope for). It’s the typical situation that many tarot fans find themselves stuck in – they aren’t clear about what they really want. As a result, things don’t get clearer.
If you want to know if the woman of your heart will send you a text message, don’t ask the question like that. Instead, articulate her name. Make sure it is not just the first name but the full one. At the same time, be specific about what you want her to text you about. Is it love, job, or trivia issues?
Finally, the timeframes are a must. The trick here is that she may text you, but…in ten or eleven years because she began to work at the same company. If you ask your question without specifying the timeframes, chances are you will get a yes answer. As a result, if the woman that you like fails to text you the same week or month, you’ll believe it’s the tarot cards to blame.
Considering everything mentioned above, the best possible question in this situation would be, “Will Anny Gunith send me a text message to arrange a romantic meeting by the end of this month?” As you can see, you clearly articulate the name of the person you’re interested in, specify what exactly you expect from her, and set the ‘deadline’ for your business. Thus, you will get a clear and easy-to-interpret answer.
General Rules to Follow
To have the reading session that will get you satisfied with the answer(s), make sure to stick to the simple rules below:
- Be a good boy/girl. Do not draw more and more (and more!) cards if the original answer doesn’t please you.
- Make sure you are 100% ready for the reading session. If you aren’t sure whether you would like to know the answer to your question or not, do not start the session.
- Stay away from questions with a negative tone. A lot of people choose to ask something like, “Am I going to lose my job and end up jobless for a long period of time?” What is wrong with this question, you may ask? Not only do you program yourself for a negative outcome, but you also don’t really ask what you’re actually interested in. Isn’t it better to ask something like, “What can I do to work better and boost my salary?”
- Do not ask 2-in-1 questions. Just take a look at the example of the question from the previous section. “Am I going to lose my job and end up jobless for a long period of time?” is actually two questions that you ask. The first is “Am I going to lose my job?” and the second goes, “Am I going to end up jobless for a long period of time?” If you’re looking for a clear and short yes or no answer, ask only one question at a time.
You can get accurate answers with a tarot reading online Yes or No from our experts, tailored to your questions.
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