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How to Do a Tarot Reading for Someone Else

Chances are the very first thing that may come to your mind when asked about tarot is that it’s something to forecast the future. Kinda. However, it never tells you what the future will be like. Instead, the cards may reveal what might happen. Used for divination, tarot cards are an ancient mystic practice. And doing tarot reading for someone else (well, just like for yourself) is 100% sort of art. It requires you to use your empathy, intuition, and knowledge of a complex human nature. Whether you’re about to read cards for someone next to you or far away, we’ve got some how-to recommendations below.

Choose One Deck That Speaks to You

There are tons of decks out there. If it’s the first time you’re going to do a tarot reading for someone else, keep in mind that every other deck is about a completely different set of symbols. We strongly recommend picking the deck that speaks to you and is at the same level as your energy. For example, the Rider-Waite deck is an option that usually fits both beginners and advanced tarot readers.

Prepare the Environment

In the case of tarot, the right ambiance rocks! Before you start the séance, make sure the mood is just as the doctor ordered. For instance, you can choose a comfy (and quiet!) setting with zero distractions. Light candles. Turn on some calm tunes. Sounds like preparing a romantic dinner, eh? Pretty much. In both cases, the right mood is a must.

Do the Shuffling

Now that the right lighting is on, the crystals are placed here and there, and it is time to shuffle the cards. It’s up to you to choose the way you’re going to do it. For example, you may do the riffle, overhand, pile, fan, or any other kind of shuffling. If you’re going to do the reading session online, make sure the querent sees clearly your hands and the deck in those. However, choose the type of shuffling that is the most comfortable for you.

Build a Connection with the Client

One of the key tips to do a tarot reading for someone else is that you should build and maintain a connection with the querent. First of all, have a friendly talk to help them relax and feel at ease. Let them know what is going to happen now, how, and in what order. Second, let them know that you’re open to dealing with open-ended questions. In other words, tell them questions like “What should I know about my college path?” are more welcome than “Will I enroll in Harvard?”. If the client doesn’t feel like getting too personal – it’s OK. Tell them you can do a general reading. Third, discuss the ethical part of the process. Do not dive into topics like legal issues or diagnoses unless you’re an expert in any other niches. Oh, and total confidentiality is a must.

Pick the Spread

A particular pattern in which the tarot cards are arranged for analysis is known as a spread. The ways you can arrange cards vary based on the purpose of the session. For instance, you can do the Three Card or Celtic Cross spread. The first spread means that you pull out three cards from the deck. The first card is their past. The second card is their present. The last card – their future. At the same time, the Celtic Cross spread includes ten cards. The reader checks each card as a separate aspect of a querent’s life and/or particular situation. Divide the spread into two segments (the cross and the staff). Keep in mind that you have to create a cross shape using the cards from the cross section.

Time for Interpretation!

Now that all the cards are in front of you – observe them attentively. Your task here is to look at colors, characters, or symbols. The process is quite simple yet tricky. Be careful! Every card has several tarot meanings based on where it’s laid out and the question of the querent. Look for any recurring patterns or themes and let your intuition juices flow. Any immediate impressions should be shared with the client (just like your gut feelings!). One of the best ways to have a successful tarot reading session is by allowing your querent to share what exactly they think about this or that card. Finally, always provide the context for your readings, i.e., relate every meaning of this or that card to the question or situation under discussion. In other words, the reader is someone who doesn’t provide definitive answers. Instead, s/he gives insights that encourage querents to interpret messages.

Convey the Message

When you do a tarot reading for someone else, staying honest is a must. At the same time, you have to be sensitive. The latter means that you, as a reader, have to constructively phrase each of your insights. Plus, focus on all potential opportunities for growth. It’s your task here to encourage discussion. Do not miss an opportunity to ask a person in front of you or online how they feel about the process and how this or that card speaks to them and resonates with their experience(s). Do the sum-up of the main points of your discussion to provide your querent with the key takeaways. They’re welcome to use these takeaways as a CTA.

Close the Tarot Reading Session

When you’re done with doing a tarot reading for someone else, do not just pick up cards and blow out the candles. Instead, thank your cards for the help. Do not forget to say thank you to the client as well. If the discussions were pretty heavy, cleanse the deck. Let the querent know that you’re open to providing any clarifications if needed. Chances are they misinterpreted or didn’t really understand certain points – let them know you’re there to explain. If more readings are needed, suggest the most comfortable time for the client.

Give Some Reflection Time

When the job is done, let them know it’s important to reflect on the process. Encourage your clients to take their time and process the cards, symbols, meanings, interpretations, etc. They should think of how the result of the tarot reading can be applied to the special situation they’re stuck in the middle of.

Practice Non-Stop and Do Some Journaling

Tarot reading is similar to gym workouts. It always takes time, effort, and practice to progress. The more sessions you do for querents, the faster you’re going to master the art of tarot. You’ll get more and more confident in your skills if you make sure to reflect on each session. For that purpose, get a journal and write down all of your experiences to get back to them and polish up your skills. Put a special note next to the points that you should improve.

See? Not as painful as it may seem! Your first tarot reading session is done, and many more are ahead. By practicing regularly and using the tips above, you’ll progress in this ancient practice sooner than you know.

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